Vocable (Anglais)

A brexit museum

Un musée du Brexit ouvrira-t-il ses portes ?


Que contiendra­it donc un « Musée du Brexit » ? De fervents activistes ayant soutenu le départ du Royaume-Uni de l'Europe cherchent aujourd'hui à ouvrir un musée pour célébrer cet événement historique. Comment cette initiative pourrait-elle voir le jour, et comment est-elle perçue par les Anglais pro-européens ?

Organisers behind the Museum of Brexit want the public to donate money and mementos to create a permanent exhibition devoted to the UK’s exit from the EU. Brexiteers said they are aiming to raise £650,000 to set up the museum after winning approval for fundraisin­g plans from the Charity Commission.

2. Organisers also want “treasures” from both Leave and Remain campaigner­s so the history of the long-running political battle can be told “fairly and in a balanced way”.


3. Trustee Alex Deane, who was executive director of the Grassroots Out campaign, said: “There is a tremendous story behind this that deserves to be preserved. Unless we act fast, much of the material from the referendum will be lost.”

4. He added: “Gaps will then be filled with mispercept­ions, fake news and myth. Our objective is to plug that gap at the time when it is easiest, right now, while memories are fresh, attics are still filled with treasures, and before items and stories get lost.”

5. The public have been invited to offer campaign literature, placards, badges, posters and rosettes – as well as personal correspond­ence, diaries and photograph­s from the battle over Brexit – both before and after the momentous 2016 vote.

6. The trustees are hoping to raise an initial £400,000 to buy a property for the museum, with The Telegraph reporting that they are looking at Leave-voting locations in the Midlands.

7. The team behind the plan, which includes Thomas Borwick, Vote Leave’s former chief technology officer and Gawain Towler, the Brexit Party’s former communicat­ions director, hope to raise another £250,000 to set up the museum.

8. The anti-Brexit campaigner and commentato­r Alex Andreou questioned whether the museum set up by Brexiteers could ever tell the story in a “balanced” way.

9. “A Brexit Museum can never be neutral, because the notion behind it is not neutral. It’s based on the rotten idea that the breakdown of a fifty-year alliance that has brought unpreceden­ted peace, stability and prosperity, is something to celebrate.”

10. Meanwhile, Britain’s small businesses have made clear the history of Brexit is far from complete, as they continue to struggle with the paperwork and costs brought in by Boris Johnson’s trade deal. More than a fifth of small British exporters have temporaril­y halted sales to the EU, a survey by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) showed on Monday.

1. memento souvenir / exhibition exposition / to be devoted to être consacré à / Brexiteer (personne) en faveur du retrait du Royaume-Uni de l'UE / to aim to avoir pour objectif de / to raise collecter, lever (fonds) / to set, set, set up créer, mettre en place / charity organisati­on caritative.

2. Remain en faveur du maintien du Royaume-Uni dans l'UE / Leave en faveur de la sortie du Royaume-Uni de l'UE / campaigner militant / long-running qui existe depuis longtemps / fairly équitablem­ent / balanced équilibré; ici, objectif.

3. trustee membre du conseil d’administra­tion / Grassroots Out groupe de pression favorable à une sortie de l'UE (grassroots militants de base, citoyens ordinaires) / tremendous extraordin­aire / to deserve mériter / material ici, objets témoignant du Brexit.

4. mispercept­ion idée fausse / to plug the gap combler le vide, remplacer par autre chose / attic grenier / item article, objet.

5. literature documentat­ion / placard affiche, pancarte / rosette rosette, cocarde / diary journal de bord, journal intime / momentous important, capital, décisif.

6. to report rapporter, indiquer / Midlands comtés du centre de l'Angleterre.

7. former ancien(-ne) / chief officer directeur / Brexit Party parti politique britanniqu­e euroscepti­que fondé en 2019 par Nigel Farage en vue du retrait du Royaume-Uni de l'UE (aujourd'hui appelé Reform UK).

8. ever ici, vraiment.

9. rotten pourri / breakdown rupture / unpreceden­ted sans précédent, inédit.

10. meanwhile pendant ce temps; ici, quant à elles / business entreprise / complete achevé / to struggle with se débattre avec / paperwork paperasse, formalités / to bring, brought, brought in ici, entraîner (dans son sillage) / trade deal accord commercial / to halt interrompr­e / survey étude, enquête.

 ?? (SIPA) ?? Celebratio­ns on Brexit day, London, January 2020.
(SIPA) Celebratio­ns on Brexit day, London, January 2020.

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