Vocable (Anglais)

Les réseaux sociaux... À vous de jouer !


1 Mise en situation

Complétez le texte ci-dessous avec les mots de la liste de vocabulair­e-clé. Cyber bullying / social media / image / selfies / self-esteem / image / concentrat­ion / filters / humiliatio­n / suicide / mental health / addiction / stories / FOMO (Fear of missing out). As teenagers and kids are using _________________ younger and younger, many researcher­s study the impact their use on a daily basis may have on their ___________________. Besides problems related to _____________, with many teenagers and young adults being unable to get off their phones, the regular use of social networks also seems to affect their _____________ as it appears to be more and more difficult for them to focus on the same task for a long time. Also striking is the impact social media has on people’s perception of their own life and ___________. Teenage girls in particular seem to be developing low ______________ and to be hung-up by their bodies. Needless to say the over-positive pictures and __________ posted on Instagram have people develop _______ ; and the constant use of _________ on _________ give users a distorted version of reality. Furthermor­e, ________________ is an issue that government­s are trying to tackle. Despite the actions taken by companies to ban messages of hate, cases of public _______________ are common and sometimes have dramatic consequenc­es, including _____________.

2 Associez chaque mot de la première liste à un mot de la seconde

1) landscape 2) selfie 3) meme 4) dish 5) TBT (Throwback Thursday) 6) log in 7) harassment 8) mute 9) dance 10) trending 11) business 12) clickbait 13) conspiracy 14) concentrat­ion 15) settings a) notificati­on b) stick c) username d) bullying e) #nofilter f) food porn g) memories h) hilarious i) security j) fake news k) outcry l) influencer m) focus n) TikTok o) viral

3 Trouvez l’intrus dans chacune des listes suivantes.

1) a- homophobia b- racism c- trending d- misogyny 2) a- troll b- comment c- hate d- selfie 3) a- cat b- stalker c- image d- meme 4) a- offensive b- illegal c- report d- popular 5) a- lense b-genuine c- filter d- editing

4 Associez chaque réaction à sa phrase initiale.

1) Oh my… I can’t even recognize her! 2) He is just not interested! 3) How come I haven’t seen it before? It’s all over the place! 4) That is so hilarious. 5) This must be my mom! 6) You need to report that right away. 7) Come on, that’s fake news! 8) Yeah, she can’t come to the party and grew tired of reading our messages. a) I have a friend request on Facebook! b) Have you seen Emma’s profile picture? c) Look at this meme. d) He posted naked pictures of me. e) Did you know the vaccine is used to implant chips? f) She has left the group on Whatsapp. g) He has left me on seen… h) You need to watch this video, it’s gone viral!

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