Beat (English)

Modular acoustic optimizati­on of studio rooms with GIK Acoustics

- gikacousti­

To optimize the acoustics in the studio, GIK Acoustics has developed the innovative Sound Blocks acoustic module system. Sound Blocks are very flexible due to their free configurat­ion and easy assembly. The Sound Blocks each have dimensions of 60cm x 60cm x 25cm and can be used, for example, as broadband bass traps in the studio or also as a free-standing partition for a listening area in a home theater. If necessary, they can also be mounted on walls. Thanks to the depth of constructi­on, the modules should even be effective up to 50 Hz. There are several options to change the mids and treble absorption: Full Range includes full absorption, Range Limiter bass traps serve the lower mids and bass absorption; the Alpha Diffusion plates and Impression plates are for scattering effects. Except for the lowest module, which is equipped with feet to build an acoustic wall, the modules are connected with rails. Different patterns are offered to optimize the aesthetics of the front and back.

The Sound Blocks can be ordered now starting at 135.50

Euro plus VAT.

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