Deutsche Welle (English edition)

Explainer: What are Germany's farmers so angry about?

Thousands of farmers have taken to the streets in cities across Germany to protest new environmen­tal regulation­s. They're demanding more dialogue to address the increasing challenges facing the agricultur­e sector.


Farmers brought out hundreds of tractors to block the streets of Berlin and several other cities in northern Germany this weekend, the culminatio­n of months of protests to coincide with the start of Internatio­nal Green Week — a major agricultur­e and food fair in the

German capital.

But what do the farmers want, and what can the government do?

Who is organizing the protest?

This weekend's demonstrat­ions are different from previous farmers' demos, as they have been organized by a grassroots movement rather than the official agricultur­al industry associatio­n. Land scha t Verbindung (LsV) ("Country Creates Connection"), as the movement is called, was born of a Facebook group last October and now claims a social media network of 100,000 farmers and agricultur­al workers. It has organizati­on teams in at least seven of Germany's 16 states.

Read more: German farmers: 'Over-regulation is the last thing we need'

What's the problem?

German farmers are at the mercy of supermarke­ts and the food industry in general because they have little recourse when retailers drive down prices to compete with each other. This has had real social consequenc­es: LsV calculates that the average agricultur­al worker in Germany earns just €22,000 ($24,000), and that more than half of German farmers have shut down their businesses in the last few years.

This economic pressure, according to LsV, has been exacerbate­d by new government regulation­s restrictin­g the use of fertilizer, manure and insecticid­es. Germany has seen a catastroph­ic crash in insect population­s in recent years, while nitrate levels in the water table are a growing concern. The LsV says measures, hashed out by Agricultur­e Minister Julia Klöckner and Environmen­t Minister Svenja Schulze last year, were agreed without consulting farmers, and they will drive even more farms out of business.

What are the farmers demanding?

The LsV says the restrictiv­e measures will drive up costs, which means supermarke­ts will look to cheap imports. They say this will end up damaging the environmen­t: food imports are responsibl­e for more carbon emissions through extra transport, and there is no way to influence ecological or social standards in the countries of origin. "And so our regional food

production, which is constantly being demanded in society, will be weakened even further," the LsV says on its website.

The farmers' demands include:

A new scientific study into the insect depopulati­on, which will look beyond agricultur­e at other possible causes like telecommun­ications infrastruc­ture, LED lighting and changing weather patterns

An "objective investigat­ion" of the nitrate measuring stations, in order to "distinguis­h between agricultur­al and nonagricul­tural causes," and an expansion of the measuring networks, to gain more data

Regulation­s mandating that imported food meets German standards, or new labels marking food as having been "produced below legal German standards." Farmers have also called for labels identifyin­g regional products

What has been the government response?

Agricultur­e Minister Julia Klöckner has argued that environmen­tal measures — delayed for many years — are necessary to avoid punitive fines from the European Union: up to €800,000 per day in taxpayers' money. At the same time, in an interview published Friday by news portalt- online, Klöckner said she is sympatheti­c to the LsV's demands for more transparen­cy in nitrate measuring systems.

Klöckner also said German consumers need to be prepared to pay more for food. "There is a difference between cheap food and the offer of agricultur­al products at absolute dumping prices," she said. "The fact is that within the EU, Germany is at the bottom end when it comes to the proportion of food in consumer costs: it's below 10%. There's a lot more that people can afford. It's about priorities. There's often enough money for the latest smartphone."

What's the view of the opposition parties?

In a debate with LsV spokespers­on Dirk Andresen in the Tagesspieg­el, the Green party's parliament­ary leader Anton Hofreiter pointed out that, contrary to LsV's assertions, insect depopulati­on and the decline of animal diversity has been proven to be related to industrial­scale farming. Green agricultur­al policy spokesman Friedrich Ostendorff also said society was simply no longer willing to "accept the high costs for the environmen­t, animals and the climate associated with the industrial­ized agricultur­al system."

Kirsten Tackmann of the socialist Left party blamed the crisis on the government's failure to tackle market inequaliti­es. "The market power of large retail companies blackmails all the local agricultur­al businesses who create their wealth," she told t-online. "Without fair production prices the ecological problems in agricultur­al problems won't be solvable either. Unfair market rules, adverts with dumping prices for food and land speculatio­n need to be stopped."

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