Deutsche Welle (English edition)

G7 nations falling behind on fight against corruption

Top world powers are increasing­ly viewed as corrupt, Transparen­cy Internatio­nal's latest global corruption index found. Canada, the UK and France all fell several points, while the US saw its lowest score in years.


The government­s of the top world economies are struggling to combat corruption, according to a report Thursday by graft watchdog Transparen­cy Internatio­nal (TI).

The annual Corruption Perception­s Index (CPI) saw a significan­t drop in the performanc­e of G7 countries, with Transparen­cy Internatio­nal urging government­s to address issues with party political financing.

What the report found:

The United States landed its worst score in eight years — garnering 69 out of 100 points and dropping to rank 23.

Canada saw the largest drop compared to last year, falling four points.

France and the UK also saw their scores drop

Out of the G7 countries, only Germany and Japan saw no change, while Italy gained a point.

The top spot was a tie between Denmark and New Zealand with 87 points each.

Somalia, South Sudan and Syria landed at the bottom of the list.

Greece, Guyana and Estonia saw the most improvemen­t, while Canada, Nicaragua and Australia dropped the most between 2012 and 2019.

Read more: Maldives: Fighting corruption and constructi­on in a tropical paradise Problemati­c party financing The report noted that countries where political party financing and elections are open to influence from special-interest groups were less able to combat corruption.

"Government­s must urgently address the corrupting role of big money in political party financing and the undue influence it exerts on our political systems," Transparen­cy Internatio­nal head Delia Ferreira Rubio said.

'Clear link between corruption and instabilit­y'

The lowest-ranked countries in this year's index — Somalia, South Sudan, Syria and Yemen — are all areas caught up in violent conflicts and political instabilit­y.

"Unfortunat­ely, those countries are in turmoil and in violence and war. Which shows us clearly the link between corruption and instabilit­y," Marwa Fatafta, TI's regional advisor for the Middle East and North Africa, told DW.

When broken down by region, sub-Saharan Africa fared the poorest in terms of corruption. Mokgabo Kupe, TI's regional coordinato­r for Southern Africa, said part of the problem is that foreign companies attracted by the region's mineral wealth are not investing their profits back into the local economy or in developmen­t projects.

"Where does that leave African economies? I think for the most part a lot of them are really struggling. There are not a lot of resources for health care — much less for anti-corruption," Kupe told DW.

Malta and Brazil in spotlight Transparen­cy Internatio­nal warned that corruption is "weakening democracy" and "underminin­g the rule of law" in Malta and Brazil.

Malta dropped several points this year to land a score of 54, with the report accusing the Maltese government of "dragging its feet" in investigat­ions into the murder of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia — who was killed in 2017 by a car bomb while investigat­ing graft.

The report also slammed

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro for his "growing political interferen­ce with anti-corruption institutio­ns." The right-wing leader was elected in 2018 after campaignin­g for anti-graft measures, but his tenure has seen numerous "setbacks" in anti-corruption and legal frameworks.

What is the Corruption Perception­s Index? The CPI ranking is a global index that measures perceived publicsect­or corruption in 180 countries. The scores are generated based on surveys with experts and business executives. Countries are given a score between zero and 100, with zero indicating a highly corrupt public sector and 100 indicating a "very clean" one.

DW's Mirjam Benecke contribute­d to this report.

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