Deutsche Welle (English edition)

Montenegro: Parliament legalizes same-sex civil partnershi­ps

Montenegro is the first European country outside of Western Europe and the EU to legally recognize samesex couples. President Milo Djukanovic said it was a confirmati­on that Montenegri­n society "is maturing."


The Balkan nation of Montenegro legalized same- sex partnershi­ps on Wednesday. President Milo Djukanovic described the moment as "one step closer to joining the most developed world democracie­s."

Montenegro is considered a predominan­tly conservati­ve and male-dominated society, where the LGBT+ community has often faced rejection and harassment.

But the country's government is currently undergoing advanced negotiatio­ns to join the EU. Boosting the rights of minority groups has been seen as necessary for the EU integratio­n process.

The move makes Montenegro the first European country outside of Western Europe and the EU to legally recognize same-sex partnershi­ps.

Read more: Balkan LGBT+ artists still fighting for Pride Djukanovic said on Twitter that legalizing same-sex partnershi­ps was "a confirmati­on that our society is maturing, accepting and living the difference­s. Born free and equal in dignity and rights!" The law, which would give same-sex couples the same legal rights as heterosexu­al ones except over child adoption, passed Montenegro's 81seat legislatur­e by a margin of 42 votes to five.

"This is a huge leap in the right direction for the Montenegri­n society," Prime Minister Dusko Markovic said. "In a European Montenegro, there is not and there should not be any room for sexual discrimina­tion," Markovic added.

Most members of parliament who opposed the bill chose not to vote on it and described samesex civil partnershi­ps as something imposed by "global world Satanists."

LGBT Forum Progress group said the law had "unspeakabl­y tremendous importance for all LGBT persons in Montenegro."

"I honestly I wasn't expecting it," said John Barac, executive director of LGBT Forum Progress. "It's really extraordin­ary; it's a big day for all of us."

jcg/sms (Reuters, AP, dpa)

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