Deutsche Welle (English edition)

Pakistan: Court bans intrusive rape test

Human rights activists have long demanded that the "two finger" test be banned. The WHO says it is a human rights violation and has no basis whatsoever in science. The ruling is the first of its kind in Pakistan.

- jf/nm (AFP, dpa)

A court in Pakistan on Monday outlawed virginity tests on rape victims— a longstandi­ng practice in the country used to assess a woman’s so-called honor.

Human rights activists had filed a lawsuit the eastern city of Lahore in a bid to have them banned.

The World Health Organizati­on says the two-finger virginity test — an invasive examinatio­n which involves a medical examiner inserting two fingers into a woman's vagina — has no scientific merit.

The judges ruled that the practice "offends the personal dignity of the female victim and therefore is against the right to life and right to dignity."

Pakistan's president had already moved to ban the test in December as part of a new antirape law.

But that legislatio­n allowed for visual inspection­s of the hymen to assess tearing and scars to continue.

The Lahore High Court ruling banning all forms of virginity testing will apply to Punjab province and is the first of its kind in Pakistan.

Much of Pakistani society operates-under an oppressive system of honor, in which rape victims face social stigma and assaults are vastly underrepor­ted.

Hundreds of women are raped in Pakistan each year, but those who commit the assaults are rarely punished due to weak laws and complicate­d procedures for prosecutio­n, according to the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan.

Many women remain silent and decline to file a police report to avoid being named and shamed by Pakistan's conservati­ve society.

Lawyers for the activists who brought the petition said it was a "much needed step in the right direction of improving the investigat­ive and judicial processes and making them fairer for victims of sexual assault and rape."

A similar case is being heard in the Sindh High Court and women's rights activists hope the Lahore court ruling will set a precedent for a nationwide ban.

Neighborin­g India banned the two-finger test in 2013 and Bangladesh followed suit in 2018.

 ??  ?? Many women remain silent and decline to file a police report because of the stigma surroundin­g rape
Many women remain silent and decline to file a police report because of the stigma surroundin­g rape
 ??  ?? Pakistan President Arif Alvi approved a new anti-rape law in December.
Pakistan President Arif Alvi approved a new anti-rape law in December.

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