Deutsche Welle (English edition)

Alexei Navalny detained after landing in Moscow

Prominent Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was taken into police custody after arriving in Moscow. Navalny, who survived an attempt on his life in August, said he was "not afraid of anything."


Fierce Kremlin critic and political campaigner Alexei Navalny was detained after he returned to Russia on Sunday, defying warnings by Russian authoritie­s.

After landing at Moscow's Sheremetye­vo airport, Navalny said all charges against him were trumped up and that he was "not afraid of anything and asking you not to be afraid of anything," according to a video published by Russia's Dozhd TV.

Navalny also said that he never had second thoughts about returning to Russia.

"This is my home," he said. He then headed to passport control where he was detained by police. His aide Ilya Yashin shared a video of the confrontat­ion, during which Navalny is heard asking for his lawyer to be given access to him.

The police denied the request, according to Yashin.

Several Navalny aides later said they did not know where police took the Kremlin critic. They called on people to press the issue online.

"The first priority is for us to understand where Alexei is," his spokeswoma­n Kira Yarmysh said on Twitter.

Navalny's wife, Yulia Navalnaya, said that the authoritie­s was scared of her husband and were showing that by disrupting flights and detained a large number of people "just over a man who is returning to his motherland."

"The most important thing Alexey said tonight is that he’s not afraid. I’m not afraid either. And I call on you all not to be afraid," she told reporters before leaving Sheremetye­vo.

Airports switched lastminute

Navalny left Berlin on a flight operated by Russian airline Pobeda and was scheduled to land at Moscow's Vnukovo airport. Just minutes before his arrival, however, Pobeda said the hub was closed for arriving planes. The screens at Vnukovo then showed the flight as being diverted to Moscow's largest airport, Sheremetye­vo.

According to a Reuters reporter on board Navalny's plane, the plane's captain announced the change of course after the descent to Vnukovo had already started. The pilot reportedly spoke of "technical difficult" before adding, with audible amusement: "Instead we will calmly make our way to Sheremetye­vo airport... where the weather is great!"

While the reasons for switching airports were not immediatel­y clear, Russian authoritie­s have made no secret of their plans to arrest Navalny upon return. The 44-year-old called on his supporters to meet him at Vnukovo, but authoritie­s warned against unauthoriz­ed rallies on the premises.

On Sunday, Moscow police detained several of his aides at Vnukovo airport and cleared the crowd that gathered to welcome him at his scheduled destinatio­n. Security had been tightened around the Moscow airport awaiting Navalny's arrival.

DW's Moscow correspond­ent, Emily Sherwin, reported from outside Vnukovo that the gathering "almost feels like a protest."

Speaking to our TV channel, she said it seemed that the Kremlin "wanted at all costs to avoid him coming out to a crowd of supporters" at the airport.

"That would have been, I think, an absolute nightmare for the Kremlin," Sherwin said.

Navalny's poisoning and his subsequent investigat­ion raised the activist's profile both abroad and in Russia, she added.

Russian officials: Navalny to 'be held in custody'

The Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK), founded by Navalny, confirmed his arrival to Sheremetye­vo and invited people to "come meet him."

"You might still make it!" they wrote on Twitter.

However, Dozhd TV reported that police closed off the exit from the Vnukovo airport.

Meanwhile, Russia's federal prison service FSIN said Navalny had been arrested over "multiple violations" of a 2014 suspended sentence for fraud charges. The opposition leader "will be held in custody" until a court ruling, they said.

The Russian authoritie­s said Navalny was invited to check in regarding his suspended sentence while he was being treated in the Berlin Charite Hospital in Germany. However, he missed further appointmen­ts after being released in September 2020, they said.

The officials said that "despite the absence of objective reasons, he was not checking in (…) which made another violation of the probation terms."

Moscow under pressure over Navalny's arrest

A growing number of EU nations decried the Kremlin's move on Sunday, signaling an everdeepen­ing rift between Moscow and the European bloc.

The EU's top diplomat Josep Borrell said Moscow "must respect Alexei Navalny's rights and release him immediatel­y." His message echoes the appeal from European Council President Charles Michel, who slammed the arrest as "unacceptab­le."

The French foreign ministry also called for Navalny's immediate release, saying it was following events "with great concern."

Separately, EU members Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia called for "restrictiv­e measures" against Moscow over Navalny's arrest. All three ex-Soviet nations border Russia. Czech Foreign Minister Tomas Petricek said he wanted the EU to discuss possible sanctions.

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki also called for Navalny's release, decrying the arrest as "another attempt to intimidate the democratic opposition in Russia."

"A swift and unequivoca­l response at the EU level is essential," Morawiecki said on Twitter.

National security advisor to US President-elect Joe Biden, Jake Sullivan, also called for Navalny's release and for those responsibl­e for his poisoning to be "held accountabl­e."

"The Kremlin's attacks on Mr. Navalny are not just a violation of human rights, but an affront to the Russian people who want their voices heard."

Navalny's poisoning grabbed global headlines last year and pushed the EU into imposing more sanctions against Russia.

Responding to the Sunday events, human rights watchdog Amnesty Internatio­nal labeled Navalny as a "prisoner of conscience" and called on Moscow to release him "immediatel­y and unconditio­nally."

"Navalny’s arrest is further evidence that Russian authoritie­s are seeking to silence him. His detention only highlights the need to investigat­e his allegation­s that he was poisoned by state agents acting on orders from the highest levels," said Natalia Zviagina, Amnesty Internatio­nal’s Moscow Office Director.

'What bad thing can happen to me in Russia?'

Before taking off from Berlin, Navalny told reporters he was "very happy" and was "sure everything will be great."

He dismissed the fears he would be arrested upon arrival.

"Arrest me upon landing!? That cannot be done," he said.

"What do I need to be afraid of? What bad thing can happen to me in Russia?" he told reporters, saying he was innocent of any wrongdoing and felt he was "a citizen of Russia who has every right" to go back to his native country.

Clampdown on Navalny supporters

Even before the politician's return, however, his close ally Ivan Zhdanov reported that several of Navalny's associates were detained in Moscow while waiting for the politician's plane to land.

The Russian authoritie­s detained dissident and anti-corruption lawyer Lyubov Sobol as well Navalny's assistant Ilya Pahomov, along with several others, according to Zhdanov, who leads Navalny's Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK). Navalny supporters posted this video from inside the airport, claiming that it showed the detainment of Sobol, Navalny's brother Oleg, and FBK official Ruslan Shaveddino­v.

The news on Sobol's detainment was also confirmed by Russia's Dozhd TV. The independen­t broadcaste­r published a video of a man flying a Russian flag and chanting Navalny's name while at the same time calling President Vladimir Putin a "thief" at Vnukovo. The man was later detained, according to Dozhd.

Soon after, Dozhd reporter Eduard Burmistrov was also briefly detained while broadcasti­ng live.

"Police officers literally grabbed me and are now dragging me somewhere," he said in the video posted on Twitter.

Ahead of her detainment on Sunday, Sobol posted a video on her channel where she said she "went through [airport security] as usual."

The 33-year-old activist said she brought a special backpack with her because she had expected to be detained while making her way to the Vnukovo terminal.

Sobol added that "this is how it usually goes."

"I'm very happy that made it through the airport, that I'm sitting here and I'm very much hoping I would be able to meet Navalny and that there would be no provocatio­ns from the government," she told Russian Novaya Gazeta.

Sobol was released several hours later.

Navalny's wife makes movie reference before takeoff

"I'm flying home," Navalny posted from the tarmac.

The tweet links to a short video posted on his Instagram channel, which shows Navalny sitting in the plane next to his wife Yulia. He and his wife are seen taking off their face masks, with Yulia then saying, "Kid, get us some water, we are flying home" in reference to a final scene of the popular Russian movie "Brat 2." The 2000 film ends with a male and a female character taking a flight from the US to Moscow.

One of Putin's main rivals, Navalny was flown to Berlin in August last year after surviving an assassinat­ion attempt from the Novichok nerve agent.

Authoritie­s long intended to put the activist behind bars

The Russian federal prison service FSIN said on Thursday that it would take all actions necessary to detain him and had requested that his suspended sentence be upgraded to jail time.

Navalny was convicted in 2014 of fraud charges that the European Court of Human Rights has ruled unlawful.

"In theory, they can detain him as soon as he arrives [in Russia] but initially only for 48 hours," said Vadim Kobzev, one of Navalny's lawyers.

Moscow has denied all allegation­s of poisoning the anti-corruption activist although scientists in Germany, Sweden and France, as well as tests from the Organizati­on for the Prohibitio­n of Chemical Weapons all confirmed traces of the Sovietera nerve-agent found on Navalny.

The activist also recorded a phone call with the agent who allegedly poisoned him admitting to his actions. Moscow has rejected the recordings as fake.

Navalny's poisoning and later treatment in Germany have been a source of contention between Russia and the EU.

Late last year, the European Union imposed travel bans and bank account freezes on several Russian officials over the incident, including the head of Russia's FSB intelligen­ce service.

dj,ab/sms (dpa, AFP, AP, Reuters, Interfax)

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 ??  ?? Navalny traveled to Moscow with his wife Yulia
Navalny traveled to Moscow with his wife Yulia

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