Deutsche Welle (English edition)

Wirecard scandal: German regulator flags own employee over insider trading

- rs/msh

Germany's financial regulator BaFin reported one of its employees to state prosecutor­s on Thursday over suspicions of insider trading linked to Wirecard's collapse last year.

The employee, who works in BaFin's securities supervisio­n department, "sold structured products" based on Wirecard's shares on June 17 last year, the regulator said in a statement.

The next day, Wirecard admitted that it was unable to account for €1.9 billion ($2.3 billion) in assets.

A week after that, the payment firm filed for insolvency.

What did the regulator find?

BaFin said it uncovered the alleged case of insider trading while reviewing the private stock market activities of its workers where Wirecard's share value may have had an impact.

Workers were also barred from speculativ­e financial transactio­ns, including short-term trading in shares.

"We had a compliance system which adhered to the legal requiremen­ts but that is no longer appropriat­e and was therefore rightfully changed," BaFin president Felix Hufeld said.

The regulator said it has suspended the employee, who was not named, and launched disciplina­ry proceeding­s.

What is the Wirecard scandal?

Munich- based Wirecard started out processing payments for pornograph­y and gambling, before rising to become a financial technology (or "fintech") star and market darling.

Preliminar­y investigat­ions found that the Wirecard may have been padding its books as early as 2015.

Wirecard's sudden fall from grace has not only gotten the company in trouble — but has damaged the credibilit­y of BaFin, which failed to detect the fraud, and called into question the actions of German Chancellor Angela Merkel's government.

Wirecard stands accused of fraud, accounting fraud, market manipulati­on and money laundering.

Former Wirecard CEO Markus Braun has denied any wrongdoing or knowledge of the missing assets.

In testimony before a parliament­ary inquiry looking into the scandal, Braun pointed the finger at the company's former chief operating officer, Jan Marsalek, whose whereabout­s have been unknown since the scandal erupted.

The parliament­ary inquiry has been tasked with finding out who knew what and when — with Chancellor Angela Merkel and Finance Minister Olaf Scholz set to be grilled by lawmakers as part of the process.

 ??  ?? Wirecard went from market darling to Germany's biggest fraud case almost overnight
Wirecard went from market darling to Germany's biggest fraud case almost overnight

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