Deutsche Welle (English edition)

Coronaviru­s: Europe looks for a way out of vaccine fiasco


Vaccinatio­n centers in Europe are standing ready — but no vaccine is available. Pfizer has cut its production, and AstraZenec­a has announced it would be delivering 60% less than agreed with the EU.

The European Union is well behind many other places in the world in its rate of inoculatin­g people against the coronaviru­s. First, the bloc's vaccinatio­n campaign grappled with organizati­onal problems; now, it is facing a shortage of vaccines.

The European Commission had signed contracts with eight manufactur­ers for a total of about 2 billion doses. But so far only, BioNTech-Pfizer has managed to deliver the goods, and even the US company temporaril­y cut back its production at the end of January.

AstraZenec­a, for its part, plans to deliver only 40% of the announced doses in the first quarter. Are other countries receiving more vaccine doses than the EU, or has the bloc signed the wrong contracts?

Success story turns to debacle

The European Commission had previously vaunted its centralize­d vaccine procuremen­t policy as a success story, in which all member states would gain equal access. "We are very active in terms of ensuring the companies work with us on the basis of the APAs [contracts] they have signed with us," said spokesman Eric Mamer, somewhat defensivel­y, in response to reports of waning supplies. "The question is: What can all the actors do to ensure the process is a success?"

On Monday, the EU vaccine steering committee met with AstraZenec­a to remind the British-Swedish pharmaceut­ical company of its contractua­l obligation­s. The EU already has high expectatio­ns of the vaccine, which should be approved by Friday — it's cheaper than earlier competitor­s and easier to store. However, AstraZenec­a said last week that "initial volumes will be lower than expected" because of problems with a supplier. The EU had ordered 400 million doses from AstraZenec­a.

EU Health Commission­er Stella Kyriakides said after the talks that the company's an

swers had not been satisfacto­ry. "The new schedule is not acceptable," she told DW. "The EU prefinance­d the developmen­t and production of vaccine against COVID-19 with a total of € 2.7 billion ($3.3 billion) and wants to see the return. Which doses have been produced, where and to whom have they been delivered?" she said. "The EU wants the prefinance­d and preordered doses. The contract needs to be fully fulfilled."

The EU, Kyriakides added, is demanding transparen­cy. "In the future, all companies will have to provide early notificati­on whenever they export a vaccine to a third country," she said. The remarks came in the wake of accusation­s that AstraZenec­a is continuing to supply the UK while shortchang­ing the EU.

Peter Liese, health expert for the European People's Party group ( EPP) at the European Parliament, also hasn't accepted AstraZenec­a's explanatio­ns. "The flimsy justificat­ion that there are difficulti­es in the EU supply chain — but not elsewhere — doesn't hold water, as it is no problem to get the vaccine from the UK to the continent," he argued. He said that he hoped AstraZenec­a would solve the problem soon.

Production problems appear to be standard

Pfizer has also been unable to meet supply demands. "In order to respond to requests ... particular­ly those from the European Commission, we had to expand our capacities," said Pfizer spokeswoma­n Marie-Lise Verschelde­n, adding that means processes needed to be changed and new suppliers had to be won.

"All of these changes require regulatory approval, and that justifies the fact that we are going to have a little delay," she said. Pfizer gave assurances that production would be stepped up as early as February.

The Italian government wants to take Pfizer and AstraZenec­a to court to force them to fulfill their signed contracts. "We are starting legal action to get the doses, not financial compensati­on," said Foreign Minister Luigi di Maio on state television on Sunday. Italy expects delays in its vaccinatio­n campaign of up to two months, Deputy Health Minister Pierpaolo Sileri told broadcaste­r RAI.

Clement Beaune, the French European Affairs minister, has also called on Pfizer to "honor its commitment­s." Ireland is equally upset because the shortages have messed up the country's vaccinatio­n plans, as are Sweden, Norway and several Eastern European countries. The president of the European Council, Charles Michel, did not mince words late last week, saying that "commitment­s on deliveries made by companies must be respected."

"All possible means will be examined to ensure rapid supply," he added.

As for the Moderna vaccines developed in the US, a consortium of three Swiss and other pharmaceut­ical service providers is to produce the vaccine for Europe. The scientists who developed the vaccine have never produced a vaccine on this scale, so production issues and delivery difficulti­es can be expected there as well.

EU looking for leverage

The problem is that the vaccines were developed much faster than expected, and the companies don't have the large capacities needed for production, said Jutta Paulus, a German health expert for the Green Party in the European Parliament. And the production processes can't be created that quickly for MRNA-based vaccines like those by Pfizer and Moderna, either, she argued. "They are new complex processes; there are strict guidelines for manufactur­ing, and employees need to be trained."

But the EU is not to blame for the situation, she said. "AstraZenec­a is said to have received a three-digit million sum to produce immediatel­y, before approval," she said. "If they don't stick to the contract, that's not the European Commission's fault." The question was why the UK is still receiving the vaccine while the EU is not, she added.

But European Parliament members face problems in trying to ascertain how best to proceed against the manufactur­ers. While they have been given access to the contracts between the Commission and the producers, the crucial passages are blacked out, including delivery deadlines and contractua­l penalties. The various prices, on the other hand, have now been made public, thanks to a Belgian minister.

Paulus isn't in favor of taking legal action — what good would a verdict do two or three years down the road, she said. Instead, she believes it would make more sense to declare the licenses for the vaccines to be public goods. "There must be shared licenses now, because the vaccines have been developed with public money," she said, pointing out that this has been done before, for instance when India and South Africa took on the production certain AIDS drugs.

The EU could take a similar approach with the coronaviru­s vaccine, she said, allowing as many manufactur­ers as possible to start producing the vaccines at the same time. The scientists who developed the vaccines would have to be compensate­d, she added.

Do such radical ideas have a chance in Brussels? Perhaps not yet, observers say. But it would give the EU leverage to persuade the pharmaceut­ical companies to give in, provided they can produce sufficient quantities in the first place.

This article has been adapted from German.

 ??  ?? It remains to be seen whether Moderna can ensure smooth production and supply of its vaccine
It remains to be seen whether Moderna can ensure smooth production and supply of its vaccine
 ??  ?? Amid supply problems, the EU is lagging behind with its vaccinatio­n campaign
Amid supply problems, the EU is lagging behind with its vaccinatio­n campaign

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