Deutsche Welle (English edition)

Dutch journalist­s face hostile environmen­t while covering curfew riots

Dutch Justice Minister condemned the violence against journalist­s during last days curfew riots in the Netherland­s. DW spoke to public broadcaste­r NOS.


Initially, the anti-curfew protests in the Netherland­s had begun peacefully, but escalated as groups of protesters clashed with the police, threw fireworks and vandalized buildings and shops. The country’s current nightly curfew due to the coronaviru­s pandemic is the first one since World War II.

Justice Minister Ferd Grapperhau­s condemned the violence that was also directed at journalist­s, stating that "this is simply criminal behavior; people who deliberate­ly target police, riot police, journalist­s and other aid workers."

DW spoke with Onno Duyevené de Wit, Communicat­ions Advisor News and Events at Dutch public broadcaste­r NOS, who says that the Netherland­s' current fifth place on RSF's World Press Freedom Index is ‘under pressure’.

DW: We have witnessed violent anti-curfew protests in recent days where journalist­s were also attacked. What did your colleagues experience?

Onno Duyvené de Wit (NOS): Generally, our reporters can carry out their work without any hindrance. However, at demonstrat­ions by certain pressure groups or at some violent anticurfew protests our reporters, cameramen and security personnel suffer verbal abuse, some protesters also try to intimidate our colleagues e.g. by filming them with their smartphone­s. Interviews are being hindered by protesters. And last Sunday a security guard who accompanie­d a cameraman of ours was attacked with pepper spray.

The other day NOS Editor in chief Marcel Gelau said more money needs to be spent on security measures when sending out reporters. What are the security measures taken by NOS when sending out reporters?

We carry out risk assessment­s before sending reporters out into the field. If we determine that there are indeed risks involved, we send security guards along with our reporters.

On a broader level, we encourage our people to report any incident to the editorial board that on some occasions presses charges against individual­s who make physical or viable verbal threats. Also, we conduct highlevel talks with members of the security establishm­ent such as the Justice Minister in order to address the problem. In some very specific instances (e.g. after the decision to remove our logos from the satellite vehicles) we try to raise awareness with the general public by appearing in television talk shows or doing interviews in national publicatio­ns.

When it comes to journalist­s being targeted for their work, are journalist­s from state-funded media treated di erently than journalist­s from private media?

That is indeed our impression. Some people apparently do not know the difference between state media and state-funded

(i.e. public) media and think that the NOS is no more than a mouthpiece of the government. The fact that we have complete editorial freedom and that for example, cabinet ministers have had to resign because of our reporting does not convince them.

Threats against journalist­s, the removal of NOS logos from company cars and more attacks against your journalist­s – is press freedom under pressure in The Netherland­s?

One should bear in mind that The Netherland­s last year was ranked 5th in the list of nations worldwide with the most press freedom. We have to state that this 5th place is under pressure.

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 ??  ?? Police, aid workers and journalist­s were deliberate­ly attacked in latest curfew protests according to the Dutch Justice Minister
Police, aid workers and journalist­s were deliberate­ly attacked in latest curfew protests according to the Dutch Justice Minister

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