Deutsche Welle (English edition)

German expression­s to run away from it all


During the COVID pandemic, we've had to alter our lives dramatical­ly on every front, including getting exercise. Learn German expression­s using "running."

In the past pandemic year, many of us have probably felt we just wanted to run away from it all. Everyday reality often feels like too much of a challenge. Some of us have lost loved ones or colleagues to COVID-19; others lost jobs or perhaps, homes.

Even new vocabulary has developed over the course of the last year: stay-at-home orders, mask safety, mask etiquette, mask meltdown, social or physical distancing.

All of us have been faced with how to organize daily life in a new way: working, schooling and socializin­g from home via video-conferenci­ng. While many of us have been able to spend more time with one's immediate family, many of us have also felt overwhelme­d by having to juggle everything within one's own four walls.

Staying both fit and sane For those of us trying to take care of ourselves mentally and physically, we are also faced with other hurdles, too, like not being able to let off steam at the fitness studio. Many of us have turned to doing more yoga or dancing at home, or have taken up running or walking outside, seeking more space in the sanctuary of the forest or a park and rediscover­ing a sense of freedom.

The problems, fear, loss and chaos resulting from the pandemic have not made life a walk in the park. We may even feel like we want to make a run for it.

To express this in German, you'll probably need the word "laufen," but it's a bit tricky for people learning the language, as it can either translate as running, jogging, walking or even something flowing. The gallery above lists a range of expression­s related to it!

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 ??  ?? Gettting creative with sports while staying at home
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