Deutsche Welle (English edition)

Rockets hit Iraq's Ain al-Asad air base hosting US troops

Multiple rockets have reportedly landed at the Ain al-Asad air base in Iraq, according to security sources. It hosts US, coalition and Iraqi forces.


Numerous rockets were reported to have hit the Ain alAsad air base in western Iraq on Wednesday.

There were no reports of injuries among US service personnel but an American civilian contractor died after suffering a "cardiac episode" while taking cover, a Pentagon statement said.

US and Iraqi forces are housed at the base in the western Anbar province, as well as troops from other members of the Operation Inherent Resolve coalition against the "Islamic State" (IS) group.

The US last week launched an airstrike in eastern Syria on facilities used by Iran-backed militia.

About 13 rockets were launched from a location some 8 kilometers (5 miles) from the base, a Baghdad Operations Command official told the Reuters news agency.

The rocket attack was the

second in Iraq this month, coming two days before Pope Francis is due to visit the country.

A rocket attack on US-led forces in northern Iraq last month killed a civilian contractor and injured a US service member.

US considers next move

The US warned that the it may consider a military response

appropriat­e to the attack.

"We are following that through right now," President Joe Biden told reporters. "Thank God, no one was killed by the rocket, but one individual, a contractor, died of a heart attack. But we're identifyin­g who's responsibl­e and we'll make judgments."

Meanwhile, the Pentagon also said the US would not hesitate to respond, should the White House deem it necessary.

"Let's do this the right way. Let's let our Iraqi partners investigat­e this, see what they learned," Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told a news briefing, describing the attack as a "troubling developmen­t."

"And then, if a response is warranted, I think we have shown clearly that we won't shy away from that. But we're just not there yet," Kirby added.

A history of attacks on bases

Militants apparently backed by Iran fired numerous missiles at two bases that were hosting US forces, including Ain al-Asad, last January.

Tehran said the attacks, which caused injuries among US personnel, were in revenge for the assassinat­ion of General Qassem Soleimani, leader of the Islamic Republic's elite Quds force.

Rocket attacks were also carried out on other American targets in Iraq since then, including the US Embassy in Baghdad.

Two US soldiers and a British soldier werekilled last March at the Taji camp — the deadliest rocket attack in years on an Iraqi military base hosting foreign troops.

The US military is reported to have deployed Patriot air defense systems at the Ain al-Asad base, in western Anbar province, as a precaution against Iranian attacks.

Lyon is one of France's culinary hubs. It's known throughout the country for its bouchons, or traditiona­l restaurant­s, serving high-end hearty fare. But now Mayor Gregory Doucet has decided that the city's schools should only serve meatless meals during lunch breaks — a sacrilege to many in this city.

Farmers from the Rhone region suspect that Doucet's political beliefs — he's a member of the Green Party — are behind the meat ban. The Greens, after all, have always been critical of convention­al agricultur­e.

It wasn't long until representa­tives from two agricultur­al associatio­ns gathered outside Lyon's city hall to express their displeasur­e with the meat ban. They even brought along cows for extra effect.

Local controvers­y splits national government

The local dispute has now come to the attention of lawmakers in Paris. Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin of the governing Republic on the Move party decried the meat ban as the result of a "scandalous ideology," and fellow party mem

bers also sided with the minister.

Agricultur­e Minister Julien Denormandi­e declared the move a disgrace earlier this week, pointing out that it would disproport­ionately affect children from poorer families who may not be able to afford meat. He vented his anger on Twitter, stating: "Stop putting this ideology onto our children's plates! Just feed them what they need to grow. That includes meat."

Denormandi­e's comments drew pushback from his colleague Barbara Pompili, who heads France's Ecological Transition Ministry. She criticized the "prehistori­c debate" over meatless lunches and debunked Denormandi­e's claim that the meat ban would exacerbate social inequality, referring to a study showing that children from poor families tend to consume more, not less, meat on average.

From a nutritiona­l perspectiv­e, at least, Lyon's school

children aren't being deprived of animal proteins. Eggs, fish and milk products remain on the menu.

But is a single set menu featuring a possible meal of fish, yogurt, veggies and a baguette really the right way forward? How should schools cater to vegetarian and vegan schoolchil­dren? And what about the lactose and gluten intolerant?

"Some children cannot eat certain kinds of fish for religious reasons," said Sabine von Oppeln, a political researcher at Berlin's Free University and an expert on all things French. She told DW that food "has been a hotly debated issue in France for a while."

Macron appealing to voters

Several years ago, Germany's Greens similarly advocated introducin­g a vegetarian day once per week in school cafeterias, primarily for environmen­tal reasons. But Mayor Doucet has said he was not motivated by such considerat­ions in Lyon.

His move is designed to speed up school lunch breaks during the pandemic. Doucet has said that going from a range of optional dishes to a fixed menu is the only way schoolchil­dren can eat lunch in an appropriat­e amount of time, especially now that kids must observe physical distancing rules. Fewer options in the lunch line means less time spent mingling with other students.

The political backdrop to the heated debate may lie in the shaky electoral situation that President Emmanuel Macron's government finds itself in. Macron's party won none of last year's mayoral races in France's 40 biggest cities. Many major cities like Marseille, Bordeaux and Strasbourg are now governed by Green mayors. Others were won by the conservati­ves.

Macron responded with a Cabinet reshuffle. One week after the election debacle he appointed Pompili, a member of the Ecologist Green Party, to her new position, along with the conservati­ve-leaning Darmanin and Denormandi­e. Just one month later, in August 2020, Denormandi­e and Pompili were already feuding over the approval of a pesticide. The government, in other words, was anything but united, even though Denormandi­e and Pompili have

been at pains to downplayth­eir difference­s.

Tradition versus multicultu­ralism

The dispute, therefore, is less about what children should eat and more about ideologica­l difference­s. "The row is really about French traditions versus recognizin­g particular cultural needs — especially those of Muslim individual­s," said von Oppeln.

It's hardly surprising that Doucet — a self-declared flexitaria­n who only occasional­ly eats meat — had less qualms about removing meat from school cafeterias than other politician­s. Incidental­ly, his rightwing predecesso­r Gerard Collomb introduced the exact same measure during the first coronaviru­s lockdown in spring 2020, without arousing much criticism at all. Then, as now, meat-free meals were only to be served for a limited period. The current measure is expected to be in place for at least seven weeks. This article has been translated from German.

 ??  ?? The Ain al-Asad air base lies in the western Anbar desert
The Ain al-Asad air base lies in the western Anbar desert
 ??  ?? Doucet's decision was met with protests by local farmers
Doucet's decision was met with protests by local farmers
 ??  ?? Meat is off the menu at Lyon's schools, at least for now
Meat is off the menu at Lyon's schools, at least for now

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