Deutsche Welle (English edition)

China: Siberian tiger caught after attacking villager

The rare tiger left people in a Chinese village terrified after injuring a field worker and scratching a car.


A rare tiger was caught after pouncing on a farmer and attacking a car in northeast China, near the remote border with Russia, state broadcaste­r CGTN reported on Monday. The juvenile tiger then ran off, leaving the man with minor injuries.

Villagers had first spotted the male Siberian tiger on Friday, roaming close to Linhu village in Heilongjia­ng province, reported Shanghai-based news outlet The Paper, citing local police.

After an hours-long search, police eventually managed to corner and tranquiliz­e the animal. The big cat was placed under a 45-day observatio­n , according to the Heilongjia­ng Forestry Bureau.

Tiger attacked car

A witness said he was "terrified" when spotting the animal.

"[The tiger] turned in the direction of two villagers working in the field," said Wang Xue, who had driven to the site to pick up a relative.

"I shouted at them to run, but the tiger then ran straight in my direction," Wang was quoted as saying by the Beijing News in a

Sunday video.

"In two or three seconds, it ran over and pounced on my car, clawing at it with its paws."

Neither of the two car passengers was hurt. But the car's exterior was heavily scratched, and the back passenger window shattered.

A rare appearance

Siberian tigers, also known as Amur tigers, are a highly endangered species native to Russia and parts of northeaste­rn China.

There are estimated to be just a few hundred of them left, with less than 30 believed to be in China, according to the state newspaper Global Times.

Chinese and Russian conservati­onists have tried to protect the species. It is rare for tigers to enter human settlement­s.

 ??  ?? The Siberian tiger is at risk of extinction
The Siberian tiger is at risk of extinction

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