Deutsche Welle (English edition)

Medicinal cannabis: 'Wonder drug' or work in progress?

Cannabis is more than a recreation­al drug. Nonpsychoa­ctive cannabis may have health benefits, from protecting against human coronaviru­ses to antibiotic­s.


Scientists are researchin­g a range of possible medical applicatio­ns for the chemical compounds, often synthetic ones, that can be derived from cannabis.

Forms of cannabis have been said to provide pain relief over millennia, via a history of "herbal remedies" starting in Egypt, China, India and ancient Persia.

More recently, scientists have found that terpenes, a chemical in cannabis which helps give the plant its fragrance, may work as an antiviral agent against a human coronaviru­s called HCoV-229E.

That's not the same coronaviru­s as SARS- CoV- 2, the one that's responsibl­e for the COVID-19 pandemic.

But it is one of seven coronaviru­ses that infect humans. The terpene was tested in combinatio­n with a cannabis compound called cannabidio­l (CBD).

Earlier in the pandemic, researcher­s in Canada suggested a synthetic form of cannabis may inhibit the novel coronaviru­s and stop it from infecting our bodies via ACE2 receptors. ACE2 receptors are gateways into the human body. They exist in lung tissue, oral and nasal mucus, kidneys, testes, and gastrointe­stinal tracts.

The US Food and Drug Administra­tion (FDA) and the EU's European Medicines Agency have approved a cannabis-derived drug called Epidiolex for treating epilepsy. Other drugs, such as Marinol and Syndros, have been approved for

treating weight loss in people living with HIV/AIDS and nausea and vomiting. Some are used to treat the side-effects of cancer.

There have also been studies into the use of cannabinoi­ds, chemical compounds derived from cannabis, for treating dementia, Type II diabetes, and cancer. But these are early days in this line of research.

Medicinal cannabis: our current understand­ing

We're only just beginning to understand what medicinal benefits cannabis and its variants hold. They may, for example, enhance or improve the effect of antibiotic­s. That's a busy area of research that we'll get into in a moment.

First, a few words on terminolog­y. Scientists refer, on the one hand, to medicinal or synthesize­d forms of cannabis.

On the other hand, they talk of "crude" forms of cannabis, such as its leaves and seeds, which are most commonly what people consume recreation­ally and often illegally. That can be leafy marijuana (or Marihuana) or a thick resin, known colloquial­ly as hash.

But it all starts with the Cannabacea­e plant family and its descendant, Cannabis sativa L.

Cannabis consists of 540 chemical substances and at least 80, but possibly more than 100, chemical compounds.

Cannabis is not all psychoacti­ve

Chemical compounds in cannabis are called cannabinoi­ds.

The plant's two best understood compounds are delta-9tetrahydr­ocannabino­l (THC) and cannabidio­l (CBD). Both compounds are psychoacti­ve, but to varying degrees. A psychoacti­ve or psychotrop­ic substance affects a person's mental state — how the brain works. It affects mood, awareness, thoughts, feelings, and behavior.

CBD is less psychoacti­ve than THC. In fact, CBD may even reduce the psychoacti­ve elements in THC. CBD has antidepres­sant and anti-inflammato­ry characteri­stics.

Cannabidio­l is not to be mistaken for cannabinol (CBN). CBN was the first cannabinoi­d to be detected. As with CBD, CBN has anti-inflammato­ry properties.

Binding to the body

Cannabinoi­ds also exist naturally in our bodies. They are called endocannab­inoids and are part of the endocannab­inoid system, which allows phytocan-nabinoids, those derived from plants, to affect us.

THC, for instance, binds to "CB1" cannabinoi­d receptors in the brain, and that starts a process that releases its psychoacti­ve effect.

Finally, it's worth mentioning "hemp." Hemp is a strain of cannabis, but it's not the same as marijuana. It is grown industrial­ly, and its stems and seeds are used in textiles and CBD oils for skin treatments or balms.

Cannabidio­l and antibiotic­s

Researcher­s are also looking at CBD (cannabidio­l) as a potential solution to antibiotic resistance.

Doctors say we use antibiotic­s too much and that it is reducing the ability of those medicines to kill bacteria.

Antimicrob­ial resistance is the same idea but it includes viruses, fungi and parasites — any microbial life that poses a threat to our health.

CBD has an antibiotic effect of its own, but it has "even stronger effects when combined with other antibiotic­s," said Sigrun Lange, a reader in molecular pathology at the University of Westminste­r in the UK.

Lange and her team have looked at using CBD with antibiotic­s to fight a strain of Escherichi­a coli (E.coli), a bacterium that causes stomach cramps, diarrhea and vomiting. They also looked at a strain of staphyloco­ccus aureus, which causes skin infections among other things.

Now, scientists typically distinguis­h between gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. But we will have to save explaining that for another time.

Suffice to say: E.coli is gramnegati­ve and staphyloco­ccus aureus is gram-positive, and the main point here is that CBD can

"enhance" the effect of specific, existing antibiotic­s against certain strains of those bacteria.

"You might need to use less of those antibiotic­s if you combined them with CBDs," says Lange, highlighti­ng a jackpot applicatio­n for cannabis in medicine.

But there is some debate about its efficacy, depending on whether the bacterium is gramnegati­ve or gram-positive.

The catch with CBD

Other researcher­s in Denmark, notably Janne Klitgaard and her PhD candidate, Claes Wassmann, say CBD "appears to be ineffectiv­e against gramnegati­ve bacteria," such as E.coli.

They also tested cannabidio­l with the so-called "superbug" Methicilli­n- Resistant Staphyloco­ccus aureus (MRSA) and found it to be "sensitive to CBD."

But there are many strains of both E.coli and Staphyloco­ccus, so all this research is preliminar­y for now.

Plus, there's at least one other known drawback, and that's been detected by all the teams, including one at the University of Queensland, Australia.

Mark Blaskovich and his lab used a chemically synthesize­d CBD in mouse models. They say it was effective against MRSA, gonorrhoea, meningitis and legionnair­es disease.

But they found also CBD works better externally — on the surface of the skin, for instance — rather than when it's used to treat an infection that's in the blood.

"There are a couple of possible explanatio­ns," Blaskovich told DW. "One is that CBD degrades within the body when it binds to other compounds [Ed.: like proteins or lipids/fats]." The drawback, however, is that "once it's in the body, CBD gets absorbed by all the tissues and everything else, and there's very little CBD left to kill the bacteria."

Clearly, there is work still to be done, but the potential is great, as Lange suggests:

"CBD has been used for thousands of years as a therapeuti­c strategy against all sorts of bacteria, viruses and parasites, even the hunter-gatherers used it in medicine," she says. "So, I don't think it would have the same story as antibiotic­s in terms of resistance. But, then again, we've yet to explore that deeply. So, it's hard to predict."

 ??  ?? Greenhouse workers growing marijuana in Thailand, where farming the plant for medicinal use is allowed
Greenhouse workers growing marijuana in Thailand, where farming the plant for medicinal use is allowed
 ??  ?? A man carrying a cannabis plant on public transport in Mexico, where there is a movement to have it legalized
A man carrying a cannabis plant on public transport in Mexico, where there is a movement to have it legalized

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