Deutsche Welle (English edition)

New Amnesty report outlines 'massive and systemic abuses' against Uyghurs in China

Internatio­nal human rights organizati­on Amnesty Internatio­nal has demanded that Uyghur Muslims be released from internment camps, with witness saying that China is "trying to erase Islam."


Human rights NGO Amnesty Internatio­nal released a new report Thursday saying the Chinese government committed "massive and systemic abuses” against Uyghur Muslims in the western region of Xinjiang.

The 160-page report, titled "Like we were enemies in a war," accuses China of torturing Uyghurs in internment camps "under the guise of a campaign against "terrorism."

Amnesty Internatio­nal Secretary-General Agnes Callamard told DW that the report provided a "well-evidenced demonstrat­ion that China is committing crimes against humanity."

She said other nations should "find the courage and mechanisms to hold China to account."

"The evidence that we are providing is making it more and more difficult for the internatio­nal community to remain silent," Callamard added.

The United States has called China's treatment of Uyghurs "genocide." Chinese authoritie­s, however, have denied committing atrocities against Uyghurs, and accuse foreign countries of interferin­g in China's internal affairs.

What does the report say?

Amnesty conducted research for the report between October 2019 and May 2021. The investigat­ion included interviews with 128 people, including 55 former internment camp prisoners, and 68 family members of people either missing or presumed detained.

According to Amnesty's findings, potentiall­y over 1 million people have been sent to camps in Xinjiang.

The report said the Chinese government was shutting down religious and cultural sites and intimidati­ng those who openly practice Islam.

One witness told Amnesty that the Chinese government was "trying to erase Islam."

Several others were cited saying that mosques have been torn down, and even pictures of mosques in people's homes have been replaced with the portrait of Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Many of those interviewe­d said they are too terrified to continue practicing their religion, fearing or sometimes knowing, that they were being monitored by the state.

Uyghurs tell horror stories of camps

The report also outlined how people were detained without warning and were taken from their homes in the middle of the night. Some were not told why they were taken until they arrived at a so-called re-education center" and forced to "confess" to crimes. Some interviewe­es were taken to camps because they were deemed "untrustwor­thy" or a "terrorist."

Detainees told Amnesty that their lives became heavily controlled once inside the camps.

Detainees said they lived "in many ways ... worse than life in prisons in China."

Before attending required classes, some detainees were forced to sit for an entire day. They had to get permission from guards to use a bucket to urinate and defecate.

Inside the camps, an interviewe­e said that they were forced to attend classes on the "evils" of Islam and the might of China and Xi Jinping in order "destroy our religion and to assimilate us … it was not Allah who gave you all, it was Xi Jinping."

What actions has Amnesty recommende­d?

Amnesty called on China to "immediatel­y release all persons held in internment camps or other detention facilities… unless there is sufficient credible and admissible evidence that they have committed an internatio­nally recognized offense."

The NGO added that China should close all internment camps, including those under other names such as "vocational training” and "de-extremific­ation" centers, and "stop all types of harassment and intimidati­on" against Uyghurs and "other predominan­tly Muslim ethnic groups” with Chinese ties, but live outside the country.

The report said the UN Human Rights Council should establish an independen­t, internatio­nal group to "investigat­e crimes… and other serious human rights violations in Xinjiang."

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres should "send a clear and public message" to China that their actions are "unlawful and must end immediatel­y," it added.

Callamard told DW, "the evidence that we are providing is making it more and more difficult, I think, for the internatio­nal community to remain silent."

The US and the EU sanctioned China earlier this year over the Xinjiang camps. China responded with sanctions of its own. Some politician­s in the US have called for a boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympics, which will be held in Beijing.

 ??  ?? A 'vocational training center' in Xinjaing where where mostly Muslim ethnic minorities are detained,
A 'vocational training center' in Xinjaing where where mostly Muslim ethnic minorities are detained,

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