Deutsche Welle (English edition)

COVID: US to donate 500 million BioNTech-Pfizer vaccines

President Joe Biden is expected to make the announceme­nt before the G7 summit kicks off. The donation comes as the US attempts to reclaim its role as a global leader after four years of isolationi­sm.


The White House said Thursday that United States President Joe Biden will announce that the US has ordered 500 million doses of the BioNTech-Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine with the aim of donating them to poorer countries.

It would be the largest COVID-19 vaccine donation by a single nation. Biden is expected tro urge Western allies to follow suit.

What did the White House say?

In a statement, the White House said the plan will "help supercharg­e the global fight against the pandemic."

It added that Biden "will also call on the world's global democracie­s to do their parts in contributi­ng to the global supply of safe and effective vaccines.

"President Biden has been clear that borders cannot keep this pandemic at bay and has vowed that our nation will be the arsenal of vaccines."

What did Biden say?

Biden hinted at the announceme­nt on Wednesday before departing for the G7 summit of the leaders of the world's leading industrial­ized nations (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the US) in Cornwall, England.

When asked if he had a vaccine strategy for the world, Biden replied: "I have one and I'll be announcing it."

The new jabs will come on top of the 80 million doses the White House has already pledged to donate by the end of June, and on top of $2 billion (€1.6 billion) in funding for COVAX, a global initiative designed to provide lower- and middle-income countries with access to vaccines.

COVAX, which will also distribute the US jabs, is led by the World Health Organizati­on (WHO) and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizati­on (GAVI).

Countering claims of vaccine nationalis­m

Western countries — and the US in particular — have been criticized for stockpilin­g vaccines and the ingredient­s needed to make them, in what has been labeled "vaccine nationalis­m."

The US, which has the world's highest number of COVID-19 infections and deaths, has defended its approach, saying it had only taken necessary precaution­s to make sure that its own population could be vaccinated.

The shots would be distribute­d to 92 countries, with 200 million doses to be delivered beginning in August and the remaining 300 million by June of next year.

Initially sluggish, the US vaccinatio­n program went into high gear after Biden took office, with over 50% of Americans having received at least one dose so far.

The White House has brushed off suggestion­s the US announceme­nt is part of a vaccine diplomacy contest with China and Russia, calling the move a further piece of its plan to reassert US leadership in a multilater­al world after four years of isolationi­sm under Donald Trump.

US seeks to repair frayed ties and trust among allies

The coronaviru­s, first identified in China in December 2019, has killed roughly 3.9 million people globally. Infections have been reported in more than 210 countries and territorie­s.

Institutio­ns such as the United Nations (UN), the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank have all warned that massive disparitie­s in vaccinatio­n rates will prolong the pandemic, as new, possibly vaccineres­istant variants of the virus continue to develop.

Though industrial­ized countries have been able to inoculate large portions of their population­s, vaccinatio­n rates in many poorer countries remain in the single digits.

In May, the European Union (EU) also announced that it would donate 100 million doses of coronaviru­s vaccine to countries in need.

js/rt (AP, AFP, Reuters)

 ??  ?? The US donation comes as the virus continues to spread and poorer countries struggle to inoculate their population­s
The US donation comes as the virus continues to spread and poorer countries struggle to inoculate their population­s

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