Deutsche Welle (English edition)

Russian NGO ban 'also taking aim at German government'

Russia recently placed the Berlin-based think tank Center for Liberal Modernity on a list of "undesirabl­e organizati­ons." DW spoke to co-founder Ralf Fücks about Moscow's motives and the implicatio­ns of the ban.


At the end of May, the Russian Prosecutor General's Office labeled three German NGOs "undesirabl­e organizati­ons." It included the Berlin-based Center for Liberal Modernity (LibMod).

"This is also aimed at the German government because it has financed our previous cooperatio­n projects with Russian partners," said Ralf Fücks, co-founder of the independen­t think tank. He spoke to DW about Moscow's thinking and the ramificati­ons of the ban for the bilateral research project "Climate Change and Russia's Economic Modernizat­ion."

DW: Why did the Kremlin ban the Center for Liberal Modernism? Was it revenge for the rejection of the Russian gas pipeline Nord Stream-2? Was LibMod punished for scienti c studies that are supposed to prove that Russia's current business model has no future because it is based on fossil fuels?

Ralf Fücks: Those reasons certainly played a role, but there were other factors as well. The Center for Liberal Modernity is a very noticeably critical voice in the German debate on Russia,

which is about whether cooperatio­n with the Kremlin should continue at all costs or whether we have to defend principles and values when they are violated by Russian policy. This decision is also part of an overall hardening of German-Russian relations, something that became apparent, most recently, when German Chancellor Angela Merkel demonstrat­ively took the side of Alexei Navalny after he was poisoned and refused to accept the Russian narrative that the [Russian secret service] FSB had nothing to do with it. Since then, there has been a sense that the tone has changed, that the Kremlin may no longer be banking on a special German-Russian relationsh­ip but is more confrontat­ional.

However, probably no other German NGO has focused as intensivel­y on the Russian economy and speci cally the Russian fossil energy sector as LibMod. In the last six months, ve studies on this topic have been published on your website. Why is a Berlin-based NGO so interested in the Russian energy industry?

For our institute, and for me personally, environmen­tal issues play a central role. I have been involved in environmen­tal politics for more than 30 years. Climate change is arguably the key global challenge today, and Russia is the world's largest exporter of fossil fuels if you take oil, natural gas and coal together. As a result, Russia continues to fuel climate change. It also generates high greenhouse gas emissions at home — it is responsibl­e for about 5% of global CO2 emissions.

In my former capacity as a board member of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, I also worked for many years with environmen­tal initiative­s and institutes in Russia. In this respect, it was only logical for us to deal intensivel­y with this topic. From the outset, we took a constructi­ve approach. Our aim was not to put Russia in the dock but to point to alternativ­es to the current economic model, which is heavily reliant on fossil fuels, and to develop scenarios for its successful ecological modernizat­ion.

But in Russia, even the intellectu­al elite is skeptical about decarboniz­ing the economy, as shown by a study published in May by the Russian opinion research institute Levada Center on behalf of LibMod.

There is obviously a clear discrepanc­y between internatio­nal and Russian climate policy discussion­s. There are still significan­tly more skeptical voices in Russia, including those who simply deny scientific findings or brand them as a malicious plot against Russia's economic interests. But I am sure that even Russia will not be able to close its eyes to climate policy insights and consequenc­es in the long run. The country itself will be massively affected by climate change. Just think of the thawing of the permafrost, increasing drought periods in the southern regions of Russia or the gigantic forest fires.

LibMod was planning in June to launch a series of at least six studies with Russian experts on various aspects of Russia's economic and ecological modernizat­ion. What will become of this project now?

We cannot continue this project because any cooperatio­n with LibMod would be a criminal offense for Russian citizens. If Moscow declares us an undesirabl­e foreign organizati­on and, in effect, makes it impossible for us to cooperate with longstandi­ng friends and partners in Russia, then this is also aimed at the German government because it has financed these cooperatio­n projects.

Will LibMod withdraw from issues in Russia and possibly focus on other post-Soviet countries, such as Ukraine?

We are very involved in Ukraine already. We see the country as a testing ground for the democratic transforma­tion of post-Soviet societies. But we will certainly not turn our backs on Russia but will focus more on analyses on Russia and on the debate around an appropriat­e Russia policy for the West. We are not saying goodbye to internatio­nal expert networks.

Ralf Fücks heads the Center for Liberal Modernity in Berlin, which he founded with his wife, Marieluise Beck, in 2017. Before that, both were among the leading gures in Germany's Green Party for several decades. LibMod sees itself as an independen­t and cross-party think tank.

The interview was conducted by Andrey Gurkov and has been translated from German.

 ??  ?? By stopping the work of NGOs, the Kremlin is also attacking the German government, Fücks said
By stopping the work of NGOs, the Kremlin is also attacking the German government, Fücks said
 ??  ?? The poisoning of Alexei Navalny led to a hardening of Russia-Germany ties
The poisoning of Alexei Navalny led to a hardening of Russia-Germany ties

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