Deutsche Welle (English edition)

Afghanista­n: US warns Kabul could fall 'within 90 days' — live updates

US officials say the Taliban could gain control of Kabul much sooner than predicted. Meanwhile, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani rallied government forces in Mazar-i-Sharif.


Afghan President Ashraf Ghani is visiting the besieged northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif

US officials are preparing for Kabul to fall "within 90 days"

The Taliban have captured three more provincial capitals

The Taliban have captured an army base at Kunduz airport

Germany, Netherland­s suspend deportatio­ns to Afghanista­n

This article was last updated at 15:00 UTC

Greece: EU 'not ready' for potential refugee crisis

Greek Migration Minister Notis Mitarachi warned of a repeat of the 2015 migration crisis and said Europe was not in a position to deal with it, as the conflict between the Afghan government and the Taliban intensifie­s.

"We are concerned about the implicatio­ns of the deteriorat­ion in Afghanista­n and that's why it is very critical and very important for the European Union to be proactive in preventing such a crisis," Mitarachi said.

"Absolutely not, the EU is not ready and does not have the capacity to handle another major migration crisis," he added.

Last week, Mitarachi cosigned a letter with ministers from five other EU countries saying deportatio­ns of failed asylum-seekers should continue despite the fighting, saying ending the policy "would send the wrong message".

"It would lead more people trying to leave and come to the European Union," Mitarachi told Reuters.

Greece was at the frontline of Europe's migration crisis in 2015, as nearly a million people from mostly Syria, Afghanista­n and Iraq reached its borders.

Police building targeted in Helmand province

A suicide car bomber targeted the government- held police headquarte­rs in southern Helmand province, where the Taliban control nearly all of the capital of Lashkar Gar, the provincial council head Attaullah Afghan said.

The building has been under siege for two weeks, as intense fighting has been ongoing between the Taliban and government forces.

The Taliban's sweeping offensive Germany, Netherland­s suspend deportatio­ns to Afghanista­n

Germany is halting deportatio­ns to Afghanista­n for the time being due to the unstable security situation in the country, the Interior Ministry said.

The Netherland­s announced the same move shortly before.

German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer defended the halt to deportatio­ns Wednesday, noting, "a constituti­onal state also bears responsibi­lity for ensuring deportatio­ns do not become a danger for those involved." He neverthele­ss pointed out, "Those who have no right of residence must leave Germany." Seehofer said he hoped to resume deportatio­ns, "as soon as the situation allows."

Hours earlier, a spokespers­on for the Interior Ministry said that Germany believed deportatio­ns of Afghan asylum seekers could still go ahead. Speaking at a regular German government briefing, a foreign ministry spokespers­on noted that the situation in Afghanista­n was changing very quickly.

The Netherland­s and Germany were two of six EU countries that recently signed a letter to the European Commission, insisting on the right to continue forced deportatio­ns of Afghan asylum seekers whose cases had been rejected.

Germany plans on revising visa procedure for Afghan Bundeswehr helpers

Germany is working on making it easier for Afghan personnel who worked for the Bundeswehr in the country to travel to Germany.

Service personnel who worked with foreign allies as translator­s and in other posts are at risk from the Taliban who consider them "traitors."

We've arranged internally with the ministries that we are ready to change the normal visa process to "Visa upon arrival," German defense minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbaue­r said in comments to online news site The Pioneer. "The visa process would then be carried out here," she added.

"We have already taken 1,700 Afghans and their families out of the country and are currently trying to get the others as fast as possible out of Afghanista­n." She said bureaucrat­ic hurdles were causing "a bottleneck."

Currently, the Afghan government requires that any person traveling out of the country has a passport, the defense minister said. But the German government is currently in discussion­s looking at if this could be changed.

'Kabul is the ultimate prize'

Kabul-based journalist Ali Latifi told DW that the capital was "the ultimate prize for the Taliban" but "it will "take a lot effort and organizing on their part to actually try and make it into Kabul."

Due to its size, it would take a large-scale logistics operation for the Taliban, he added.

Latifi also discussed the low morale of government troops, the Taliban's "smart" branding and the importance of President Ghani's visit to Mazar-i-Sharif.

Taliban seize major army base in Kunduz

Afghan officials and the Taliban say the insurgents have seized a major army base in Kunduz province. The base of the 217 Corps fell on Wednesday at the airport.

Amruddin Wali, a member of the Kunduz provincial council, said soldiers, police and uprising forces "surrendere­d to the Taliban with all their military gear."

The Taliban also reported on Twitter that soldiers from Kunduz airport had joined them, "bringing with them a number of tanks and vehicles."

The Taliban captured the northern city at the weekend, sending local government officials and soldiers fleeing to the airport around 8 kilometers (5 miles) south of the city center.

Kabul could fall 'within 90 days'

The Taliban's quick succession of gains has prompted US officials to warn the collapse of the Afghan capital, Kabul, could happen sooner than expected, according to a report in the

Washington Post.

One unnamed official told the

Post that the US military now thinks that collapse "could occur within 90 days."

This represents a revision from an earlier intelligen­ce assessment, predicting the capital could fall into the hands of the Taliban within six to 12 months, the report stated.

"Everything is moving in the wrong direction," one person who is familiar with the US military's new intelligen­ce assessment said.

A US defense official, citing intelligen­ce sources, told Reuters that the Taliban could isolate Afghanista­n's capital in 30 days.

"But this is not a foregone conclusion," the official added, noting that Afghan security forces can still reverse the momentum by putting up more resistance.

The Taliban have been emboldened by the US and internatio­nal allies' complete drawdown of troops in the country. Despite the worsening outlook, US President Joe Biden has shown no plans to delay the August 31 deadline for all US forces to leave.

On Tuesday, he urged Afghan leaders to "fight for themselves."

President Ashraf Ghani in Mazar-i-Sharif

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani flew to the besieged northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif on Wednesday, in a bid to rally forces.

He plans "to check the general security in the northern zone," according to a statement released by the palace.

The Afghan leader was also likely to hold talks with Mazar's long-time strongman Atta Mohammad Noor and infamous warlord Abdul Rashid Dostum about the defense of the city.

Hours before Ghani arrived, pictures posted on official government social media accounts showed Dostum boarding a plane in Kabul, along with a contingent of commandos, en route to Mazar.

The loss of Mazar would be a further blow to the Kabul government. It would represent the almost complete collapse of its control over the north of the country.

The region has long been a bastion of anti-Taliban militias.

Taliban seize 3 more provincial capitals

The Taliban overran three more provincial capitals in Afghanista­n, officials said on Wednesday. A total of nine of the nation's 34 now are in control of the insurgents.

The cities to fall are: Fayzabad, the provincial capital of northeaste­rn Badakhshan province; Pul-i-Khumri, of Baghlan province, also in the northeast and Farah, the capital of the western province with the same name. Badakhshan borders Tajikistan, Pakistan and China.

Jawad Mujadidi, a provincial council member from Badakhshan, told Reuters news agency that Taliban fighters had taken most of the province and laid siege to Fayzabad before launching an offensive on Tuesday.

kmm/aw (AP, AFP, Reuters, dpa)

 ??  ?? Afghanista­n's president arrives in Mazar-i-Sharif to trying and rally forces loyal to the government
Afghanista­n's president arrives in Mazar-i-Sharif to trying and rally forces loyal to the government
 ??  ?? The Taliban controlled checkpoint­s in Kunduz on Monday
The Taliban controlled checkpoint­s in Kunduz on Monday

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