Deutsche Welle (English edition)

Schizophre­nia: Gene discovery indicates risk and cause

Researcher­s have discovered gene mutations that indicate a person's risk of developing schizophre­nia and its causes. This may help improve drug treatments.

- Edited by: Zul kar Abbany *The two scienti c papers were due to be published April 6, 2022, but were delayed due to reported production issues at the journal Nature. We have, therefore, linked to press releases from the respective institutes.

Schizophre­nia is a serious mental condition, characteri­zed by hallucinat­ions, periods of psychosis and a detachment from reality. The World Health Organizati­on ( WHO) estimates that schizophre­nia affects about one in 300 people worldwide.

But we don't really know what happens in the brain to cause it.

"Our knowledge about schizophre­nia is close to zero," says Stephan Ripke, a researcher at Berlin's Charitie university hospital.

Ripke is a co-author on one of two new research papers on schizophre­nia published in the science journal Nature.

Two internatio­nal teams of researcher­s have discovered gene mutations which they say strongly influence a person's likelihood of developing schizophre­nia, and 120 genes that could play a role.

It is fundamenta­l research that is unlikely to have an immediate impact for people living with schizophre­nia. But the researcher­s say their findings could lead to better medication for schizophre­nia in the near future.

New medicines for schizophre­nia

There are medicines for schizophre­nia but they do not address the disorder's root cause. The drugs we use today tend to tone down the effects or symptoms of schizophre­nia, but they do not treat or cure the condition.

The most common schizophre­nia medication is called chlorproma­zine.

Chlorproma­zine was originally developed as an anesthetic, but then doctors found that it helped prevent hallucinat­ions in psychiatri­c patients.

"It was just an incidental finding. It didn't come from psychiatri­c research," says Ripke.

But Ripke and the other scientists say this research could help develop medication that specifical­ly targets the root of the problem. Their results could also help determine a person's risk of developing schizophre­nia.

The human genome and schizophre­nia

One of the two studies was conducted by the Psychiatri­c Genomics Consortium (PGC) at the UK's Cardiff University, which investigat­ed the entire human genome, looking for genetic variations that increase a person's risk of developing schizophre­nia.

They analyzed genetic informatio­n from 77,000 people with schizophre­nia and 244,000 people without it. They found nearly 300 regions of the genome that could be linked to a person's risk of developing schizophre­nia. Within those regions, they discovered 120 genes that could play a role in causing the disorder.

The other study was conducted by the SCHEMA team, a joint effort led by the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Universiti­es. The researcher­s discovered ten genes with rare mutations that appeared to increase a person's schizophre­nia risk and 22 more that could play a role in that.

"[We all have] a one percent chance of developing schizophre­nia," said Benjamin Neale, a SCHEMA co-author and member of PGC, in a press release. "But if you have one of these gene mutations, it becomes a 10, 20, even 50% chance."

The gene mutations help draw an early map of schizophre­nia's origins in the brain.

What we still don't know about schizophre­nia

Schizophre­nia usually starts presenting in a person's late adolescent years or 20s.

In the past, researcher­s have studied the environmen­tal aspect of the disease. For instance, they have found that where a person grows up, teenage cannabis use, or what their mother ate during pregnancy can increase their chance of developing schizophre­nia.

Scientists have also known that schizophre­nia is about 60 to 80% hereditary. But they have had little understand­ing of the genetics of the disease until now.

That's true for a number of mental illnesses, says Ripke, including bipolar disorder or borderline personalit­y disorder. But there is a good reason for that.

For one, says Ripke, schizophre­nia cannot be diagnosed through a blood test or even a brain scan.

Then, he says, there is no way of studying the disease in animals: "We only have questions and observatio­ns, and even the observatio­ns aren't enough if we don't [share a] common language."

We can't talk to them and they can't talk to us, says Ripke. "But we need to know if people have hallucinat­ions, if they hear voices."

That means schizophre­nia research has to be done on humans. But ethical concerns prevent scientists from collecting the samples they need to facilitate genetic analyses. Again, with good reason: "We can't just take brain cells from schizophre­nia patients," Ripke says.

But it is possible, says Ripke, when people volunteer.

"Our study would have never worked without the trust of thousands and thousands of patients who gave us their genetic informatio­n," Ripke says. "We are so utterly thankful to all the people who trusted us with their data."

 ?? ?? Schizophre­nia often affects people in their late adolescenc­e and their 20s
Schizophre­nia often affects people in their late adolescenc­e and their 20s

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