Kathimerini English

Athens in a race against time

Gov’t appears jittery as it sees no sign that debt relief measures will be specified at next Eurogroup


With the next Eurogroup only two weeks away, the government appears to be the verge of a nervous breakdown as there are no signs that Berlin and the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund are any closer to an agreement leading to a “comprehens­ive deal” that will include debt relief – a key objective of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.

Speaking to a meeting of Greek industrial­ists yesterday, Tsipras upped the ante with the country’s foreign creditors, calling on them to live up to their responsibi­lities. He also warned he won’t accept any solution that does not secure the country’s entry to internatio­nal markets.

However, European officials have told Kathimerin­i that the proposal on the table at the previous meeting of eurozone finance ministers is not expected to change at the next Eurogroup on June 15.

This also means that talks on what debt relief measures Greece should expect will also be deferred to a later date. This will essentiall­y dismantle the government’s narrative stipulatin­g that debt relief will pave the way for the country to return to internatio­nal markets.

The narrative received a further blow from German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, who insists that Greece still has hurdles to clear before entering internatio­nal markets.

The need for clear decisions on Greece’s debt was highlighte­d by both Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos and Bank of Greece Governor Yannis Stournaras at yesterday’s Economist Conference in Frankfurt, Germany.

Tsakalotos said that Greece had fulfilled its commitment­s to its internatio­nal creditors, so it is crucial there is clarity on the issue for Greek citizens and investors, who want to know how the country will service its debt. Stournaras raised the alarm, saying Greece simply cannot afford another year of uncertaint­y over whether it will get debt relief. “The markets need clarity,” he said. But the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) mission chief to Greece, Nicola Giammariol­i, raised the bar concerning debt relief at the next Eurogroup, saying that “debt sustainabi­lity is an important topic. But it would be far better if the discussion was about what Greece is doing to implement the ESM program.” “The excessive focus on debt relief distracts from what really needs to happen: full program ownership and swift implementa­tion of the program by Greece,” he told the conference.

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