Kathimerini English

Time for Greece’s center-left to cast off old party habits


Ongoing developmen­ts in Greece’s center-left are reminiscen­t of the Greek Communist Party (KKE) in the 1930s: There is an abundance of factionali­sm, skirmishin­g and allegation­s of opportunis­m. There are also endless discussion­s about whether change must come from above or below, whether the election of a leader should come before the party is establishe­d, and whether the procedure is adequately political or not.

It’s already been four years since the formation of the so-called Initiative of the 58. The demand for a single center-left movement, a party that will occupy the political ground between conservati­ve New Democracy and ruling leftist SYRIZA, still stands. But the venture is losing its luster by the year.

What at first seemed like a wellintend­ed venture now seems less so. Polarizati­on is growing and conflict is increasing­ly turning out to be more personal than ideologica­l.

However, this can never be entirely true. The candidates are purveyors of ideology. They each have their own history and political past, and they will be judged on the basis of their actions.

Socialist PASOK leader Fofi Gennimata, for example, abstained during the parliament­ary vote on the cohabitati­on agreement. I do not know the reason behind her decision, and I do not really care; but I do remember she chose not to take part in passing an important piece of legislatio­n. On the other hand, although Gennimata is criticized as the political product of nepotism, partisan machinatio­ns and her father’s political legacy (the late Giorgos Gennimatas was a PASOK heavyweigh­t), she did manage to keep her party united at an extremely difficult time.

Stavros Theodoraki­s, leader of centrist party To Potami and a former journalist, has fought many battles over issues that are not always popular in Greek society, such as the separation of Church and state. He handled his recent health problem bravely without trying to elicit pity and, also, he avoided being secretive.

Meanwhile, Giorgos Kaminis could have done a better job as Athens mayor, especially in dealing with the capital’s waste problem, but he did play a leading role in the “Yes” campaign during the 2015 referendum on whether Greece should accept a new bailout deal from creditors, effectivel­y keeping it in the eurozone. Kaminis has also kept a firm stance toward the neo-fascist Golden Dawn party.

For his part, Yiannis Ragousis clashed with Greece’s taxi drivers when he was a PASOK minister – a sector that most politician­s have largely tried to appease.

According to opinion polls, between 5 and 10 percent of Greeks say they will participat­e in the November vote. If organizers could find a way to guarantee the security of electronic voting, that number could grow.

New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis drew his legitimacy from an open election process. The same will apply to the leader of the new party. At some point, the center-left must overcome the ills of old-party factionali­sm and, like a dedicated communist, proudly declare: “There is only one party: the center-left.”

The rest will be decided in due course.

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