Kathimerini English

Kikilias: Wall of immunity by summer


Health Minister Vassilis Kikilias estimated yesterday that a wall of immunity against Covid-19 will be created by the summer to protect 60-70% of the population, provided that deliveries of vaccines from the manufactur­ing companies continue smoothly.

According to estimates regarding the progress of the vaccinatio­n program, by the end of May one in three citizens will have received at least one dose of the vaccine and 18% will have had both. Kikilias also said on Antenna TV that about 70% of people over the age of 60 will have been vaccinated by the end of May.

Moreover, authoritie­s said yesterday that the Freedom inoculatio­n program has also been stepped up, pushing the daily number of vaccinatio­ns in the last two days over the 100,000 mark.

The number of vaccinatio­n centers now stands at around 1,500 and all adults over the age of 30 can schedule an appointmen­t to be vaccinated.

As of yesterday – four months after the start of the vaccinatio­n program – 3,309,788 vaccinatio­ns had been administer­ed. A total of 2,272,646 citizens had been vaccinated with at least one dose of the vaccine, while 1,037,129 people had been vaccinated with a second.

According to data from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), up until yesterday Greece had received 4,653,520 vaccine doses – 2,959,320 Pfizer, 332,800 Moderna, 30,000 Johnson & Johnson and 1,221,400 AstraZenec­a. Ιn May, 2,150,000 doses are expected from Pfizer, 350,000 from Moderna, 220,000 from Johnson & Johnson (with confirmati­on expected for an additional 80,000) and 450,000 from AstraZenec­a, of which 150,000 have been confirmed.

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