Kathimerini English

Greece’s green transition strategy lauded


Greece is setting an example for other countries of what can be achieved if there is the necessary political will green energy transition, according to Frans Timmermans, executive vice president of the Commission responsibl­e for the European Green Agreement, in an interview with Kathimerin­i in view of yesterday’s presentati­on of the European Union’s Fit for 55 package for the reduction of carbon emissions by 2030.

“Greece is moving rapidly towards the post-lignite era,” he said, while differenti­ating Greece’s case from those of other countries with domestic production and dependence on coal, such as Romania, Bulgaria, Poland and others.

Greece, he noted, has moved quickly to develop solar and wind energy production infrastruc­ture. In those other countries, he stressed, natural gas is absolutely necessary as a transition­al fuel – in a way that does not apply to Greece, which has already taken some steps in terms of renewable energy sources and where natural conditions favor their growth.

Yesterday’s presentati­on of Fit for 55, which is the Commission’s package of 12 legislativ­e proposals to achieve the legally binding target of reducing carbon emissions by 55% in 2030 compared to 1990 – is seen as the spark for longdrawn-out, complex and tough negotiatio­ns to determine the contributi­on of each member-state and each sector of the European economy in the steep ascent to climate neutrality.

The pivotal nature of these negotiatio­ns is not lost on Timmermans, who insists that the climate crisis must be tackled fairly, otherwise the endeavor “will fail” as it will be rejected by the member-states and Parliament.”

Referring to the difficulti­es the green transition entails, he noted that “every industrial revolution requires adjustment­s and creates frictions between the new and the old regime.”

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