Kathimerini English

Macron at the United Nations

- BY GEORGE PAGOULATOS * * George Pagoulatos is a professor at the Athens University of Economics & Business and director general of Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP).

How much authoritar­ianism can a society take when they can have a measure of comparison with the free world? In Russia, citizens are reacting to Vladimir Putin’s military conscripti­on by voicing their dissent or by queuing to exit the country. In Iran, the “guardians of morality” are shock testing their theocracy’s resilience against the resistance of brave women aspiring for freedom and dignity. Civil disobedien­ce and resistance should prove the autocrats’ nemesis, but when they finally buckle is anybody’s guess. From the Shanghai Cooperatio­n Organizati­on Summit in Samarkand, however, an autocrats’ internatio­nal rubbed shoulders with Putin in defiance of the “West.”

From the floor of the UN General Assembly, in an important and passionate speech, French President Emmanuel Macron addressed those refusing to condemn the barbarity of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Those countries that purport to imitate the struggle of the non-aligned of a previous era, Macron said, have misunderst­ood history, because “the cause of the non-aligned was a struggle for peace,” a cause for national sovereignt­y and for territoria­l integrity. In contrast, those who remain silent today “are furthering the cause of a new imperialis­m, a contempora­ry cynicism set on dismantlin­g the internatio­nal order without which peace is an impossibil­ity.”

Avoiding the sort of Manichean language that paints conflicts as a war between democracie­s and autocracie­s, Macron reminded his listeners that the universali­ty of the UN, which was founded on freedom, sovereignt­y and the pursuit of peace, serves no hegemony, no geopolitic­al oligarchy. He then pointed to the main enemy: the violation of the principles of territoria­l integrity, revisionis­m. The choice we have to make today, he said, is between war and peace. Russia has broken internatio­nal law as well as our collective security, paving the way for wars of annexation. “Today’s era is not an era of war,” he said, using the words of the leader of (democratic) India – who had also attended the Samarkand summit.

Macron’s message was inclusive of the global South: “Modern imperialis­m is neither European nor Western. It takes the form of a territoria­l invasion backed by a globalized hybrid war that uses energy prices, food security, nuclear security, access to informatio­n and population movements as weapons of division and destructio­n.”

The danger today, Macron said, lies in a new partitioni­ng of the world which aggravates tensions between the US and China; this would be a fatal mistake, because the consequenc­es of a confrontat­ion between the two superpower­s would not be limited to a new cold war. The forces of disorder are exploiting current developmen­ts to multiply regional conflicts, to resume nuclear proliferat­ion, to subvert collective security. “We must do everything possible to ensure that this new division does not come about, because the challenges we face are numerous and urgent, and require renewed cooperatio­n.”

What challenges? Ecosystems are under threat: a third of Pakistan under water; deadly drought; the return of famine to Africa and Asia; terrorism; 55 civil wars raging on the planet today, 100 million people displaced. These are the global challenges, the upshot of profound failures on the part of our internatio­nal system, which has failed to end inequality and division.

“This is not a time for rival blocs, but for a new contract between North and South on food, climate, biodiversi­ty and education. It’s a time for building coalitions that can take concrete action to reconcile legitimate interests and the common good.”

Important as it is, I would add, the internatio­nal alliance of democracie­s has been undermined by the abject failures of Western interventi­ons in the Middle East and North Africa. In the eyes of “the Rest” today, Western self-righteousn­ess smacks of colonialis­m and imperialis­m, and a sprinkling of moralistic hypocrisy on top. The sad reality is that liberal democracy is not winning in the world, and a worst-case scenario for the planet’s weakening democracie­s would be a bloc of autocracie­s aligned against them.

How then should democratic Europe deal with the majority of countries in Africa and Asia that are not democratic? Should it surrender them to the orbit of China, Russia and Turkey? Or should it seek to engage them in its own sphere of influence, thus facilitati­ng their (gradual) liberaliza­tion? The way forward is not a new cold war division of the world, but a shared commitment to a credible, multilater­al, internatio­nal system of rules, institutio­ns, incentives and obligation­s. This also happens to be the most pragmatica­lly effective support citizens suffering under tyrants could receive.

 ?? ?? French President Emmanuel Macron delivers his address to the UN General Assembly on September 20.
French President Emmanuel Macron delivers his address to the UN General Assembly on September 20.

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