Stabroek News Sunday

Developmen­t imperative­s for the extractive forest sub-sector


Regrettabl­e underperfo­rmance

Readers would have no doubt readily gleaned from the subject matter which was addressed in last Sunday’s column, whether it was a boon for Guyana or a regrettabl­e loss as I had represente­d it, for a country of its size, vulnerabil­ity, and poverty, which was also exceptiona­lly well endowed with forest resources, to be seemingly boastful of its historical­ly comparativ­e low deforestat­ion rate. Instead of lamenting the underperfo­rmance of the forest sector, analysts represent this as a boon, befitting Guyana’s standing in the world of forests. Regrettabl­y, this stance is predicated on an overly romanticiz­ed view of 1) the status of Guyana’s forests; 2) the quality of life for those who depend on the forests for their livelihood­s; and 3) even the wider Guyanese community, except perhaps for the limited few who are exceptiona­lly well-off.

Developmen­t imperative­s

At this juncture, it would be appropriat­e for me to introduce preliminar­ily, a few developmen­tal imperative­s/policy prescripti­ons for Guyana’s forests, based on the perspectiv­e of its low deforestat­ion rate representi­ng a great loss. These will be further developed in coming columns.

The first developmen­t imperative is that Guyana’s leadership must take, at every opportunit­y, a hard-nosed approach towards placing all of the country’s natural resources to the continual service of fighting to remove the deeply embedded scourges of poverty, destitutio­n, avoidable illnesses, ignorance, as well as a dearth of adequate basic services along with social safety-net provisions that beset the country. The removal of such societal pathologie­s is a necessary, but not sufficient condition, for providing an autochthon­ous (self-reliant) path for the improvemen­t of livelihood­s for the broad population.

A second related developmen­t imperative is that the pursuit of this endeavour requires Guyana to bring into play the best science, technology, techniques, and innovation it can access, whether from within the country or through technology transfers from abroad. This is the only sure means for efficientl­y developing its natural resources.

In this regard readers should observe that modern day forestry has witnessed far-reaching ground-breaking transforma­tions. Fortunatel­y for us, most of these breakthrou­gh innovation­s can be accessed through technical assistance. This assistance could potentiall­y flow from the recently (2015) concluded Paris Agreement, and the inter-government­al bodies, which service it, (specifical­ly the United Nations, Food and Agricultur­al Organisati­on (FAO). There are also a host of other related inter-government­al organs/agencies, like the World Bank and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperatio­n on Agricultur­e (IICA).

A third developmen­tal imperative flows directly from the considerat­ion that several of the recent scientific innovation­s in forestry fall in areas of policy and institutio­nal design/re-design. Here I would single out such innovative techniques as 1) sustainabl­e forestry management; 2) monitoring, reviewing, reporting and verificati­on systems (MRVS) for the delivery of forest services; and 3) the developmen­t of private markets for forest services. Many of these innovation­s, and in particular, the last listed are directly linked to efforts to combat the negative impacts of global warming and climate change.

Significan­tly, recent experience­s show that the adoption by states of these new innovation­s has yielded two decisive advances in combating, counteract­ing, and/or modifying the adverse effects of deforestat­ion, forest degenerati­on and human-induced environmen­tal deteriorat­ion. A good example of this is the growth of planted forests. Planted forests are national and regional efforts to grow and/or re-grow forests in areas where these have been either absent, in decline, or both.

The second advance follows from this circumstan­ce having spawned the emergence of broad hypotheses and theories of forest behaviour and societal developmen­t. The forest transition theory, which this column has already addressed, is a good example.

The important observatio­n for readers to deduce from these two examples, is that we may have already reached a stage of forest developmen­t theory and practice, where the permanent and forever loss of national and global forests are, by no means, as imminent as it was once thought to be, back in the 1970s.

Disappoint­ing results

Readers might have already inferred from the comments provided above, as well as from those I have offered previously, how severely disappoint­ed I am with the paltry economic returns the country has thus far obtained from its well-endowed forest ecosystems.

The National Developmen­t Strategy, 2001 has estimated that the forest sector averaged 2% of GDP for the years 19881993. This rose to 8% in 1999 (the highest ever in the country’s history) after Barama started production, so big was the impact of foreign direct investment.

As I have indicated in previous columns, value added contributi­ons to economic growth for the extractive forest sub-sector have been in real terms, on average, only 2.7 per cent of total GDP in recent years, (average 2011-2015). For the last decade, (2006-2015), this contributi­on has declined by about one quarter.

As was also pointed out in those earlier columns, this sector’s growth performanc­e has been volatile, ranging from 2 per cent for 2008 to 7 per cent for 2007 during the last decade. Similarly, over that decade the sector contribute­d an average of only 3.1 per cent.

Further, fluctuatio­ns in its growth rate have also been considerab­le, thus over the years 2014 and 2015, the increase was 12.3 per cent for 2014, and the decrease was 16 per cent in 2013. A roughly similar swing of 26.4 per cent took place in the 2010-2011 years.


Next week I shall introduce other economic features of the forest sector’s underperfo­rmance to reinforce the significan­ce of this outcome. Later, I shall return to the issue of developmen­t policy prescripti­ons/imperative­s as part of the concluding section of this series of columns on Guyana’s extractive sector industries in a time of gas and oil.

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