Stabroek News Sunday

Homemade body scrubs


Scrubs drain all the impurities leaving your skin clear and polished. Beauty experts will tell you that exfoliatio­n is the best way to remove dead cells, rejuvenate your skin and bring back your natural glow. You can easily make homemade body scrubs with natural ingredient­s.

It is very important to keep two things in mind while choosing the right kind of body scrub for yourself. First, know your skin type and second, choose the right ingredient­s that will suit it.

Here are some examples:

1. Brown Sugar scrub (sensitive skin) Mix together 1 cup brown sugar, ½ cup coconut oil, 6 drops of any essential oil (rose, lavender or jasmine will gel perfectly) and ½ teaspoon of Vitamin E oil (optional). When the mixture forms a wet sand consistenc­y its ready. Massage it on your skin properly or use an exfoliatin­g brush and move in circular motions on your skin. Wash it with lukewarm water, dab your skin with a warm towel and don’t forget to moisturize your skin after you are done. 2. Coconut Rose Sea Salt scrub (dry skin) Mix together ½ cup sea salt, ½ cup coconut oil, ½ cup dried crushed rose petals and 5 drops of rose essential oil. Apply all over your skin. Wash with lukewarm water.

3. Green Tea scrub (oily skin) Mix together 1 cup sugar, ⅛ cup olive oil, ¼ cup brewed green tea, 1½ bag of green tea (not brewed) until you obtain a thick paste-like consistenc­y. If your mixture is too watery, add more sugar to balance the excess water. You can even add vanilla for a sweet scent. Massage it on your skin properly. Wash it off with lukewarm water.

4. Lemon Sea Salt scrub (improves tone) Mix together 1 cup sea salt or Epsom salt, 5 tablespoon­s olive oil, 1juice of a whole lemon, 1½ tablespoon lemon zest. Apply to skin and wash off with lukewarm water.

All of these scrubs can be stored in airtight jars for later use.

(Free Beauty Tips)

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