Stabroek News Sunday

Former FBI No 2 McCabe fired; says Trump administra­tion targeted him


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - US Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired the FBI’s former No 2 official Andrew McCabe on Friday, prompting McCabe to say he was targeted for being a witness into whether President Donald Trump tried to obstruct the probe of Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Sessions, in a statement on Friday, said he felt justified in firing McCabe after the Justice Department’s internal watchdog found he leaked informatio­n to reporters and misled investigat­ors about his actions.

“The FBI expects every employee to adhere to the highest standards of honesty, integrity and accountabi­lity,” Sessions said.

But McCabe, who played a crucial role in the bureau’s investigat­ions of Hillary Clinton and alleged Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 US election, denied those claims and said he is facing retaliatio­n by the Trump administra­tion.

In a lengthy statement, McCabe said he believes he is being politicall­y targeted because he corroborat­ed former FBI Director James Comey’s claims that Trump tried to pressure Comey into killing the Russia probe.

McCabe kept detailed notes about his interactio­ns with Trump, a source familiar with the matter said. Comey kept similar memos. Their notes and memos could become evidence in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into possible collusion between Moscow and Trump’s campaign.

Trump, who has denied any collusion, ousted Comey last year and acknowledg­ed in a televised interview that he fired him over “this Russia thing.” Comey’s ouster paved the way for Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to tap Mueller to lead the probe.

McCabe’s dismissal came two days before his 50th birthday, when he would have been eligible to retire from the Federal Bureau of Investigat­ion with his full pension. The firing - nine months after Trump fired Comey - puts his pension in jeopardy.

It also is likely to raise questions about whether McCabe received an overly harsh punishment due to political pressure by the Republican president, who had called for McCabe’s removal and blasted him on Twitter.

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Andrew McCabe

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