Stabroek News Sunday

Looking to add some mass?


media notificati­ons, so you actually sleep soundly and aren’t kept awake. If you can, also spike your days with 15 – 30-minute power naps which can further enhance muscle growth.

Work legs

Fifty percent of your muscle mass is in your legs and yet most newbies only devote 25 - 30 percent of their time to leg training. If you are serious about bulking up, you MUST work your legs with at least the same exercise volume and workout frequency as your upper body.

Very few people ever manage to build impressive amounts of muscle without serious leg training so go and make friends with the squat rack, leg press, and deadlift platform if you want to get bigger and stronger throughout the rest of your body.

Get stronger

If you want to get bigger, you need to get stronger and that means either adding weight to the bar or making your workouts more intense. You can reduce your rest periods, add a few more reps, do more sets too. Whichever way you slice it, if you want to grow, you have got to work a little harder from one week to the next - progressiv­e overload. Strong muscles are big muscles.

Save energy

Sports, lots of cardio, late night partying, and otherwise being very active can rob your body of energy it could otherwise be using for muscle growth. You need an energy excess to put on muscle (also called a calorie surplus).

Be consistent

Making gains doesn’t take a week or a month – it takes years of consistent effort. Every time you take a break from training, skip a workout, miss a good night of sleep, or fail to eat properly, you are underminin­g your potential for success. You need to commit to the process if you want to get results.

As a skinny guy/girl, you are not geneticall­y blessed to build muscle easily. That doesn’t mean you can’t – you’ll just have to work harder and longer to do it. Knuckle down, stick to the plan, and you will gain muscle. It’s just not going to happen overnight. Hope you skinny guys/girls enjoyed this one and put the above into practice.

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