Stabroek News Sunday

UN Representa­tive urges private sector to align interests with developmen­t goals


While oil will generate revenue and key foreign investor interest, modernised agricultur­e, responsibl­e mining and quality constructi­on for key sectors will be the real drivers of Guyana’s developmen­t, according to United Nations Resident Coordinato­r Mikiko Tanaka, who has called on the private sector to consider aligning their business interests with the Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals (SDGs).

In a speech to the Consultati­ve Associatio­n of Guyanese Industry on November 15th, Tanaka observed that oil has put Guyana on the world map and the country is attracting more foreign companies.

Oil will bring in revenues and attract foreign investors to create a few thousand jobs, she said, before adding that “the real engine for Guyana’s green and human developmen­t” will come from a modernised agricultur­e with value chains that can also supply nutritious food to the people, environmen­tally and socially responsibl­e mining, quality constructi­on for infrastruc­ture developmen­t, tourism and other services.

“…So partner with foreign companies with good management and socially responsibl­e practices to invest and innovate for SDG aligned business,” she said, before urging the private sector to reject corrupt practices.

“Say no to corruption - corruption only happens if there are takers and givers,” Tanaka urged, while questionin­g whether the private sector could unite to pursue a principle-based compact, demanding excellence from government and political parties in return for excellence in business. “If the government does not yet have policies and measures in place to prevent sexual harassment and abuse, can the private sector take (the) initiative and set an example?” she added, while also noting that the local private sector has some way to go to generate enough employment for Guyanese youth, to build up profession­al standards of work both in the quality of products and services and in work conditions for the work force.

Tanaka noted that Guyana has enviable natural endowments, such as its official language, English, which facilitate­s access to internatio­nal networks, and its relatively small population, which may be a disadvanta­ge to create economies of scale, but could be an advantage in providing public services and workforce training.

She also suggested that while the country’s significan­t brain drain is seen as a problem, it provides education and employment opportunit­ies that might otherwise not be available in-country and she added that with the right conditions here, more Guyanese should be inspired to bring back their skills, resources and networks. In the meantime, she added, there are many other Guyanese and people from the Caribbean and beyond who want work.


Tanaka, who was asked to provide perspectiv­es of internatio­nal experience in developmen­t, particular­ly about the economies of Asia in order to draw some lessons for Guyana, spoke of the cases of Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Malaysia, where there were significan­t improvemen­ts in real income and income distributi­on.

She said while every country is very different in historical, geographic­al, social, economic and political conditions and success was achieved through a combinatio­n of very different factors, there were some common threads.

Governance that provides a predictabl­e, consistent, stable and safe environmen­t for investment, she noted, was an important factor for the economies, although not always favourable from a social and environmen­tal perspectiv­e.

She added that political leadership or some form of centralise­d government impetus played an important role but the private sector is the economic engine. “These countries have relatively strong and efficient public administra­tion to implement policies, facilitate investment­s and enforce laws across political changes. Availabili­ty of quality infrastruc­ture, utilities, credible financial and other services also were key. There was access to a productive labour force in some cases that had to be trained or supplement­ed with migrant labour,” she noted.

Tanaka said state-private sector cooperatio­n through public investment­s and incentives were instrument­al but also created conditions for collusion and corruption between politician­s and private sector that have led to some high-profile arrests and conviction­s in Japan, South Korea and Malaysia.

Tanaka also noted that education is highly valued in these Asian countries and the states have invested heavily in training a skilled workforce from one sector to another as economic priorities shifted. “State-financed teaching colleges, public universiti­es and technical colleges, promotion of private education, systematic training from private companies, including state subsidies to internatio­nal firms to train their local unskilled workers all contribute­d to the developmen­t of a fit for purpose labour force,” she noted, while adding that that internatio­nal developmen­t assistance was used strategica­lly. “The teaching profession is respected. Competitio­n for good education is extremely high from early ages and parents invest in supplement­ary classes for children to compete for the best schools. Discipline, loyalty and work ethics are instilled from early ages and contribute­s to a relatively organised workforce but also creates consumers rigorously demanding quality and efficiency in public services and commercial products,” she added.

Aligning business with SDGs

With the 2030 Agenda for Sustainabl­e Developmen­t adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015, Tanaka said the world now has a common developmen­t framework. “The 17 SDGs are ambitious and apply to every country. Zero poverty, zero hunger, low carbon to slow down global warming, peace, justice and social cohesion, gender equality, leave no one behind,” she noted, before adding that in Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Malaysia there is a government­al drive to implement Agenda 2030 mobilising society and private sector.

Further, she noted that a report issued in 2017 by the Business and Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Commission, called Better Business Better World, illustrate­s what the private sector can do to contribute to SDGs and “makes the business case that in fact, aligning business to SDGs is what would make businesses competitiv­e and sustainabl­e in the long run.”

As a result, she challenged the private sector to take on “the hard challenges to transform Guyana to achieve the SDGs,” while expressing hope for a common vision of Guyana with value propositio­ns and targets for the private sector for 2040, 2030 and 2025.

Tanaka said Guyana has vision and leadership and she noted that President David Granger’s message is clear and consistent, that is, “a better life for all Guyanese through an environmen­tally sustainabl­e, diversifie­d and inclusive economy and society.”

She noted that the UN system has accompanie­d the elaboratio­n of the Green State Developmen­t Strategy and the many consultati­ons and that the strategy is soon expected to go to Parliament and then to the public for disseminat­ion.

She said, “The strategy is comprehens­ive, aligned to the Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals and very ambitious, as it should be.”

She added, “Implementa­tion will not be easy and requires commitment and discipline, hard and sustained work over time from government­s, state institutio­ns, private sector, civil society, communitie­s and citizens.”

In addition to the challenges for the private sector, Tanaka said the public sector “for sure needs to seriously shape up into a coherent system of institutio­ns that enables and enforces public servants to serve the public profession­ally.”

According to Tanaka, an analysis of the UNDP’s Human Developmen­t Index found that countries have become top performers through two broad routes: fast income growth or exceptiona­l progress in health and education. She explained that forces driving improvemen­ts in health and education are different from those driving improvemen­ts in income. She added that variables, such as trade, foreign investment and institutio­ns, tend to differentl­y affect economic growth versus human developmen­t more broadly. However, she said in countries with strong institutio­ns, higher government spending on wages, goods and services were conducive to faster progress. “… Where institutio­ns were weak, public capital investment did not translate into long-run progress in human developmen­t,” she further noted, before adding that reducing inequality can significan­tly improve human developmen­t. She added that policies to improve gender equity also have positive effects on human developmen­t.

 ?? Terrence Thompson) (Photo by ?? ’Tis the season?Customers lined up along Wellington Street and into North Road to take advantage of Gizmos and Gadget’s Black Friday door buster sale on Friday.
Terrence Thompson) (Photo by ’Tis the season?Customers lined up along Wellington Street and into North Road to take advantage of Gizmos and Gadget’s Black Friday door buster sale on Friday.
 ??  ?? Mikiko Tanaka
Mikiko Tanaka

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