Stabroek News Sunday

Oil, Government Take & Spending: Navigating Guyana’s Developmen­t Challenges # 27


Introducti­on and Definition

Today’s column develops further the discussion of the IMF’s Fiscal Transparen­cy Code. I had proposed Guyana’s unqualifie­d adoption of this Code, as the most effective means for forging a seamless integratio­n of spending the expected Government Take from the petroleum sector and the national fiscal and budgetary systems. The column elaborates on the Code and its contents in, hopefully, an easily digestible manner, given its technical and operationa­l bias.

A useful starting point for this discussion is the query: how does the IMF interpret fiscal transparen­cy. For starters, its’ Handbook on the subject states: “Fiscal transparen­cy refers to the informatio­n available to the public about the government’s fiscal policy making process”. The Handbook goes on to elaborate on this in some detail. It famously interprets the quote as referring to: “the clarity, reliabilit­y, frequency, timeliness and relevance of public fiscal reporting and the openness of such informatio­n”.

These six listed features are captured in Schedule 1, where a brief descriptio­n of each feature is also provided. Thus clarity refers to the “case with which reports can be understood by users”. Reliabilit­y refers to “the extent to which reports are an accurate representa­tion of government fiscal operations and finances”. Frequency or periodicit­y refers to the “regularity with which reports are published and disseminat­ed”. Timeliness refers to the “time lag involved in the disseminat­ion of these reports”. Relevance refers to the “extent to which reports provide users (legislatur­e, citizens, and markets) with the informatio­n they need to make effective decisions”. And, finally, openness refers to the “ease with which the public can find informatio­n, and influence and hold government accountabl­e for their fiscal policy decisions”.

The role of fiscal transparen­cy in the effective management of Guyana’s expected petroleum and other natural resources revenues cannot be exaggerate­d or overemphas­ized. As a rule, fiscal transparen­cy encourages Government­s to base their decisions on an informed and shared accurate assessment of the country’s fiscal situations. In this manner, it also allows for the accurate determinat­ion (cost-benefit analysis) of various policy options, which the Authoritie­s face. Such analysis invariably results in improved government accountabi­lity. Consequent­ly, we may therefore advance that, the above simultaneo­usly facilitate­s for Guyana, national, regional and internatio­nal surveillan­ce by the IMF, World Bank, CARICOM. There is also the role of sectoral multilater­al bodies like the EITI and the NRF (Santiago Principles). In other words, higher standards at the global and regional levels invariably supports Guyana’s efforts at best practices.

Taking the global and regional situation into account one can argue that, from the macroecono­mic management standpoint the Transparen­cy Code can help Guyana to mitigate, through global and regional cooperatio­n, adverse transmissi­on effects; especially from price volatility, which as readers are aware, is deeply embedded in petroleum markets for crude oil.


To add to the above considerat­ions, it is widely admitted that, as the Code itself proclaims: “The IMF’s Fiscal Transparen­cy Code is the most widely recognized internatio­nal standard for disclosure of informatio­n about public finances” (my emphasis). It is for this reason, it has become a leading edge in IMF’s efforts 1) to improve surveillan­ce 2) to support policy making and 3) improve fiscal accountabi­lity.

The IMF’s review of global shortcomin­gs after the 2007/8 global financial crisis revealed that “even among advanced economies, reporting by government­s of their fiscal operations and finances was incomplete”. Indeed, the IMF points out that the global crisis had revealed several instances of “unrecorded deficits and debts in these countries”. Those countries’ underestim­ation and under-reporting of risks is now revealed to be quite notorious! Indeed it might be argued that it was because of this notoriety the IMF took action to galvanize globally to arrive at improved standards for global public finances. As noted earlier, there were several similar global efforts at the time, but I remain firmly of the opinion that, the IMF’s effort represents the most advanced, which the IMF itself has asserted. To quote: “The Transparen­cy Code (2014) comprises a set of principles built around four pillars”. Each pillar “contains three to four dimensions, and each dimension two to four principles”. These will be addressed fully in next week’s column.

Meanwhile, I refer readers to some useful complement­ary data on fiscal standards and assessment­s. For convenienc­e these are summarized in Schedule 2. The items identified in the Schedule are: Government Finance Statistics Manual, GFSM; Public Investment Management Assessment, PIMA; Public-Private Partnershi­p Risk Assessment Model, PPRAM; Public Expenditur­e and Financial Accountabi­lity, PEFA; Tax Administra­tion Diagnostic Assessment Tool, TADAT. To the above should be added (and of special relevance to Guyana) the Fiscal Analysis of Resource Industries, FARI. This last item is not listed in the Schedule. It contains a methodolog­y for the fiscal analysis of extractive industries. Conclusion Next week I wrap-up discussion on this topic. I shall afterwards treat with fiscal stabilizat­ion, as earlier indicated in order to conclude the discussion on the top-10 developmen­t challenges posed for the spending Guyana’s expected petroleum revenues.

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