Stabroek News Sunday

Granger should exert authority and ensure recount of ballots – Asgar Ally


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it mashes up the country,” he stressed. “We should return to discussion and compromise. Granger has to sit back and think. Go to the count. What else can they do if you can count and prove that you win? If that is the case, fine but the country cannot remain in this state,” he said.

Asked if he believes that the problem will be resolved after a recount, whichever side wins, Ally shrugged his shoulder and then said no. He explained his answer, saying that while a fair recount would address the issue of a legitimate government, the deeper issue of racism in Guyana will still be hovering.

“The problem is deep, deep, deep, deep. This is just a symptom of the problem. Racism is an albatross around the neck of Guyana that has to be addressed. Simply put, the PNC controls half the country and the PPP the other half. We may try to fool ourselves but that is it. So unless these two halves work together, we will be divided and the country will remain stagnant and never realise her true potential,” he said.

“Hoyte had set the example how the PPP and the PNC will work together. Now the two men here don’t meet. Jagdeo wants to talk but it seems Granger won’t.

We have to become more mature and be careful about how we use this race issue. This dispute about the elections has now turned into a race problem. Why should either the PPP or PNC feel that everyone don’t have rights. We have to respect one another. Whoever is in power must look out for the rights and needs of the other 50 per cent. That is the culture which Hoyte was setting up,” he added.

 ??  ?? Asgar Ally
Asgar Ally

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