Stabroek News Sunday

He is rushing things


I am 22 years old. I have a boyfriend and we have been dating for four months now. He has been saying lately that he wants to move in with me and he wishes us to have a child together. I, on the other hand, don’t trust him because I feel like he is just saying that for his own interests.

What should I do?


Dear J,

I feel you have already answered your own question in the sentence just before it. Neverthele­ss, I also feel it is important for me to reinforce that, in the event you do not trust your own judgement.

Four months is not long enough to decide that you want to live with someone. That is a huge step and it is not one that you should take hurriedly or unwisely. Furthermor­e, if two people are going to start living together then they should find a place together, or, at the very least, discuss extensivel­y and come to an agreement about who is paying for what so that expenses are evenly shared.

People have had children from relationsh­ips that lasted a single night, this is well known. But those are usually not planned. If you are planning to live with someone and to have a child together, then there is a whole different discussion that has to take place. Finances and responsibi­lity are just two of the things that should absolutely be discussed.

Also, as a young woman, you have to be the one to decide if you are ready to have a baby – you will be the one carrying it for nine months and then giving birth; your body, your decision. Do not allow anyone to take you down that route until you are sure you are ready mentally, physically and emotionall­y to be a mother. It is not an easy role.

I would advise that you take some time during this period when everyone is self isolating to practise a little social distancing from your boyfriend. See how you feel after the coronaviru­s is under control.

Dear Worried,

That is what your mom is, worried. She is concerned that something could happen to you, or your siblings, hence her actions. Maybe she is overacting a bit, maybe not. There are still too many unknowns and your mom is operating from a place of love and concern. The least you can do at this point is not throw that back in her face.

So, no. My advice is: take no risks. It is not worth it. Aside from the coronaviru­s, as you yourself said, you could be putting yourself in harm’s way if you sneak out. No boy is worth that.

In fact, I agree that your boyfriend is being unreasonab­le. You don’t have to meet. You can stay in contact virtually until the situation returns to normal. If he chooses to break up with you over this, it proves that he does not really care for you.

You are 18, old enough to recognise selfishnes­s when you see it. The best thing you can do now is continue with your online classes and give your mom a break.

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