Stabroek News Sunday

Grade Six Mathematic­s


a) 26th , b) 5 Wednesdays, c) Thursday d) Friday

a) $250 b) 25%

1 stop = 15 min

3 stops =45 min

Total length of time = 1h +45 min = 1h 45 min

Total ratio = 1 +2 = 3 Larger = x = 84

= 480, Difference = 136; Answer 344

a) 16

b) 8 a) Triangular based prism b) 3 edges c) Triangular based Prism

a)140 a) 45

passengers 270 degrees

b) 40 % b) 30:45 = 2: 3

a) 60x50=300 b) 300 – 20 = 280; 280/4 = 70

Perimeter = L+W+L+W

= 3X + X + 3X+X = 300cm

= 8X = 300m

= x= 300/8 = 37.5m


Here are 15 words that are commonly misspelt. Make sure you can spell all of them, and learn any that gave you problems. Check any new words in a dictionary.

Metaphor, probabilit­y, scenic, managerial, accommodat­ion, accuracy, throughout, simile, innate, appreciate, rhyme, rhythm, marriage, marital (of marriage), consensus.



Even the joy of leading the national team to victory will not (militate/mitigate) the grief he feels at the death of his dearest friend.

Because his early life had been one of poverty, no one begrudged him the (luxuriant/luxurious) lifestyle he enjoyed as a famous pop singer.

The authoritie­s work hard to ensure that products are withdrawn from the market if they have reached their expiry date, but the practice of selling off such goods at half price will (militate/ mitigate) against their efforts.

4. A large (peace/piece) of the carpet was badly soiled, and needed

to be replaced.

5. Why don’t you check to see if the problem?

Hospital (personal/personnel) expressed the opinion that pink was not a suitable colour for an operating theatre.

If the king died leaving a son who was still a (miner/minor) as heir to the throne, then someone was appointed Lord Protector until the young man grew up. 6. 7. (its/it’s) the battery that is causing

 ??  ?? Answers to last week’s problems: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.Sum 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
Answers to last week’s problems: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.Sum 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
 ??  ??

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