Stabroek News Sunday

Turkey to expel US envoy and nine others, Erdogan says


ISTANBUL, (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday that he had told his foreign ministry to expel the ambassador­s of the United States and nine other Western countries for demanding the release of philanthro­pist Osman Kavala.

Seven of the ambassador­s represent Turkey's NATO allies and the expulsions, if carried out, would open the deepest rift with the West in Erdogan's 19 years in power.

Kavala, a contributo­r to numerous civil society groups, has been in prison for four years, charged with financing nationwide protests in 2013 and with involvemen­t in a failed coup in 2016. He has remained in detention while his latest trial continues, and denies the charges.

In a joint statement on Oct. 18, the ambassador­s of Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherland­s, Norway, Sweden, Finland, New Zealand and the United States called for a just and speedy resolution to Kavala's case, and for his "urgent release". They were summoned by the foreign ministry, which called the statement irresponsi­ble.

"I gave the necessary order to our foreign minister and said what must be done: These 10 ambassador­s must be declared persona non grata (undesirabl­e) at once. You will sort it out immediatel­y," Erdogan said in a speech in the northweste­rn city of Eskisehir.

"They will know and understand Turkey. The day they do not know and understand Turkey, they will leave," he said to cheers from the crowd.

The U.S. and French embassies and the White House did not immediatel­y respond to requests for comment. A U.S. State Department spokespers­on said it was aware of the reports and was seeking clarity from the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Erdogan has said previously that he plans to meet U.S. President Joe Biden at a summit of the Group of 20 (G20) major economies in Rome next weekend.

One diplomatic source said deescalati­on was possible given Turkey has now made its stance very clear, and given the potential diplomatic fallout from such a move ahead of the G20 summit and the U.N. climate summit in Glasgow starting at the end of the month.

"No instructio­ns have been given to embassies," the source said, adding that it was possible a decision may be taken at Turkey's cabinet meeting on Monday.

Norway said its embassy had not received any notificati­on from Turkish authoritie­s.

"Our ambassador has not done anything that warrants an expulsion," said the ministry's chief spokespers­on, Trude Maaseide, adding that Turkey was well aware of Norway's views.

"We will continue to call on Turkey to comply with democratic standards and the rule of law to which the country committed itself under the European Human Rights Convention," Maaseide said.

Kavala was acquitted last year of charges related to the 2013 protests, but the ruling was overturned this year and combined with charges related to the coup attempt.

Rights groups say his case is emblematic of a crackdown on dissent under Erdogan.

Six of the countries involved are EU members, including Germany and France. European Parliament President David Sassoli tweeted: "The expulsion of ten ambassador­s is a sign of the authoritar­ian drift of the Turkish government. We will not be intimidate­d. Freedom for Osman Kavala."

 ?? ?? Tayyip Erdogan
Tayyip Erdogan

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