Stabroek News Sunday

Our race-based politics will be upended by foreigners cum Guyanese citizens

- Dear Editor, Sincerely, GHK Lall

As part of my continuing political watch in this country, I noted with interest an utterance by a rising light in Guyanese political circles. Prominent attorney, Roysdale Forde, expounded that the PNC must cease to be a racebased party (Demerara Waves, October 22). This is where I stand. Race-based politics dominate both of our major political parties, the PPP and PNC. Numbers about faces and who is in what places do not mean much to me, do not fool me. Statistica­lly and cosmetical­ly, I observe the PPP doing much better than the PNC with numbers re race-based presences. Other than the known diehard loyalists of decades standing, of pedigreed ties, the new ones are welcomed for the opportunis­ts they are, and the lovely window-dressing they are, especially where their own are concerned. With that said, my focus returns to the thrust of this effort.

The PNC is still very much viewed as a race-based party, and it must work tirelessly to reverse that, banish for good that albatross. It has more than its share of handicaps. Electoral history. The compositio­n of its teams in the party itself, and the public service at large. Regarding the latter, the PNC labours with a major handicap: it does not possess the breadth of private sector presences that can absorb its hopeful faithful, which means that the bulk of the rewards that it shares in the event of electoral success must be in the parliament and public service edifices. It looks bad, and it is bad, because the economic base is just not there. It is another reason why the party is so dependent on PPP financiers for some of its funding, and why it is hogtied in rising against and confrontin­g those who inflict numerous damages and exposures to this society. The PNC, therefore, operates with the knowledge that it has to play footsie to stick around, possibly get ahead. When it didn’t play ball (or as much as was expected of party and leaders) in its 5-year reign, then it stood no chance, with race-oriented Guyanese gravitatin­g to what they are most comfortabl­e with, which is their own. Meaning, political leadership and political support.

Speaking for myself, I firmly believed in 2015 that, given the machinatio­ns of PPP leadership and inner circle power and following, the David Granger-led PNC offered the best opportunit­y for the way forward. I believed that then, and I still have regard for former President Granger.

My point is that until and unless we can think along these lines, about the other side of the coin, when doggedness takes hold, then we will perpetuall­y limit ourselves, and condemn ourselves, to the place where we currently shelter and take comfort. That place is tribal politics. The stronghold­s are race hatreds. They are of cult leadership followings. They are those ready enthusiasm­s to condone limitless corruption­s by our own, because the totality of our thinking and principles and truths (maybe, our morals also) is that the other man and other side did it before. But race-based politics has devastated the fabric of this society, and the very soul of each citizen, including those on the fence or farther from it. The PNC and PPP had better work sincerely and consistent­ly for this race-based evil to be purged from the local political equation, or it will be taken out of their hands, sooner than they expect, which was something towards which the Vice President himself opened the door. We will have to import labour. It will be in legal and illegal quantities, which will knead our demographi­cs into the unrecogniz­able.

I had predicted 5-10 years a few years back, but it would be shorter than that span. The illegals could end up making personal social arrangemen­ts that regularize their residence and citizenshi­p status. That translates to voting power. The rest I leave unsaid, save for what follows. Tens of thousands of new citizens will not have the umbilical and blind attachment to either PPP or PNC, as has been present since our politics become our own responsibi­lity. Our future looks like our past: not our own. The latter has always been dictated by my fellow Americans; the former would be in the hands of game breaking and game changing foreigners cum Guyanese citizens. Who will we argue with and attack then? It is either that both, and I emphasize this (both) the PNC and PPP abandon and exterminat­e race-based and tribal politics from their mindsets and modus operandi, or it will be taken out of their hand, sooner than later. To Mr. Roysdale Forde, my thanks. To those who vehemently disagree with all stated here, I extend my hand in brotherhoo­d. Join me in praying for Guyana and finding a way out of our race-based tribal politics.

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