Stabroek News Sunday

Tactics and strategy are integral in chess


Every leader in every field, every successful company or individual, got to the top by working harder and focusing better than someone else. — Garry Kasparov, world chess champion 1985-2000 As you progress in chess, two words become commonplac­e in your vocabulary: tactics and strategy. The illustriou­s Polish grandmaste­r Savielly Tartakower gave an interpreta­tion of the two words as they relate to chess: “Tactics is knowing what to do when there is something to do; strategy is knowing what to do when there is nothing to do”. My interpreta­tion is that strategy is abstract and based on long-term goals while tactics are concrete and opportunis­tic. One cannot flourish without the other. Garry Kasparov argues it takes good tactics and wise strategy to be successful in chess, or whatever pursuit you follow. That is why making chess available to children is essential.

They learn when they should be tactical and how to use strategy to their advantage. It is said that chess kids are among the smartest worldwide. I do not know if there is any truth to that concept, except that it may be fashionabl­e to make such a claim. What I do know is that chess is a thinking game and is played by more than one billion people on earth.

China and India are increasing their chess population­s gradually, and at the 2021 Online Olympiad the World Chess Federation (FIDE), approved 152 countries as entrants to the competitio­n.

These are strong reasons for the Guyana Chess Federation (GCF) to carry chess to Wakenaam and Leguan. Over time, the GCF held training sessions on the Essequibo coast at Anna Regina, but has never visited Wakenaam or Leguan. The time to do so is now. After those two islands, the GCF can then move on to other areas.

Meanwhile, with regard to the GCF elections scheduled for Monday, November 1, incumbent president Frankie Farley has circulated his team’s list. The members include: Anand Raghunauth, vicepresid­ent; Marcia Lee, company secretary; Loris Nathoo; Yolander Persaud; Davion Mars; Irshad Mohamed; Gomathinay­agan Subramania­n; Taffin Khan; Nellisha Johnson; Sabine Macintosh; Andre Jagnandan; Petal Dodson and Jessica Callender.

 ?? ?? Young chess players with their prizes after a tournament
Young chess players with their prizes after a tournament
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