Stabroek News Sunday

Grade Six English


From 3B

suggested that Pedro was the most fearless and should climb the tree to pick a few ripe fruits for them. He accepted. Meanwhile, Simeon suggested to Mrs. Graham that she should release the dog because a stranger was picking her ackees. By the time the dog was untied the two boys on the ground had already made their escape. The dog saw Pedro and remained under the tree. Every time he shifted his position, the dog growled at him until it was getting dark. Pedro screamed and begged for help, but Simeon pretended not to hear. That evening the rain fell heavily, and there were chilly winds that accompanie­d it. The uncomforta­ble weather forced Pedro to huddle on a large branch and beneath some leaves for shelter. Simeon, thinking that the punishment was enough, recaptured the animal and took him to the kennel.

(Path to Success 11+ Comprehens­ion Workbook 4)


Read each question carefully then draw a heavy black line through the letter (A, B, C or D) which is near the answer you choose.

1. Which of the following shows the sequence of Pedro’s actions?

A) huddled on branch—screamed for help—walked through the

track—climbed the tree

B) screamed for help—climbed the tree—huddled on branch—

walked through the track

C) walked through the track— climbed the tree— screamed for

help— huddled on branch

D) climbed the tree— huddled on branch— screamed for help—

walked through the track

2. Troy and Tim escaped from under the tree A) while Pedro was up the tree. B) when Mrs. Graham came out. C) while Pedro was screaming. D) after the dog came under the tree.

3. According to the passage what was the last action of the dog?

A) He growled at Pedro. B) He was taken to the kennel by Simeon. C) He went under the tree. D) He was released by Simeon.

Goodbye boys and girls!

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