Stabroek News Sunday

Nding ence


uliar to the one that shaped the an be said to have developed an a.” The dynamics in Guyana’s reinforcin­g the notion of “oneal values were retained by first sive girmitiya generation­s. This ed to conclude that Coolitude erplays the indentured laborers’ e system of indenture.” While ess that reshapes cultural identity ays the continuing dynamics of rmations attributed to contempopo­ric communitie­s and modern

narrative of Coolitude attributes ost history of the Indian labourer, body of literature has now conitimate Indian historiogr­aphy in earcher, there exists an ongoing ating among contradict­ions that ations and historical revisionis­m of the lost voices of indenture

enture history in Guyana (first ), is the obvious lack of an acaddy of the Indian indenture expergradu­ate degree is offered at the nture and its legacy. Neither has nt or fellowship dedicated to the Guyana or the broader diaspora. ity, Diversity and Equity Unit at more depressing challenge conate in which archival documents ational Archive. There have been age the Guyana government to descendant­s of Indian indenture Route project as UNESCO has Suriname, with the help of the all of their Indian immigratio­n nd are available online. The existe to the silencing of the history

d politics at Nassau Community cerpted from a forthcomin­g puba Guyanese cultural activist].

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