Stabroek News Sunday

Start getting fit this February


Just because you may not yet have followed through with your New Year’s resolution to start getting fit in January, doesn’t mean that you should wait until 2023. Yes, the calendar has flipped to February. But guess what? It will provide the same fitness opportunit­ies you would have had in January.

Most people view January as the best time to start a new fitness plan, but did you know that statistics show that 66 % of people quit their new year’s plan within just one month? The gyms in are January are usually overflowin­g, the same cannot be said for February or March.

Any new fitness plan is hard to stick to but in my experience, January isn’t always the best time to be trying to get into shape. I have been in gyms for the better part of two decades and I’ve seen many persons who began their fitness journey after January getting the best and most sustainabl­e results.

Here are some reasons why starting or restarting your fitness journey in February may be ideal.

1. There are not so many distractio­ns. After having a very social time over the Christmas and New Year holidays, the majority of people don’t have anywhere near as many social events in the coming months. So, February is a great time to get focused and really go for your health and fitness goals.

2. Everyone is back into routine. After the Christmas holidays, everyone is back to work and back into their routines and having a routine makes it easier for people to schedule fitness into their diaries.

3. There are only a few months until ‘summer’ starts. When starting a new fitness regime, you should always have a goal date in mind and ‘summer’ is great for that as people want to display their ‘summer bodies’. Most people will use that period as a motivator and stick to their nutrition and exercise plans, because they want to look and feel their best as there are a lot of ‘summer’ parties at pools and the creeks.

4. Overall, you can have a better year. If you start now you will get into good habits like following a healthier diet and a more active lifestyle with far less distractio­ns. This means when ‘summer’ comes, you will have already set yourself a solid foundation and you’ll be able to enjoy life a lot more.

There is a quote by Mark Parent that I recently posted to my social media which says “If January is the month of change, February is the month of lasting change. January is for dreamers…February is for doers.”

Whether you want to start getting fit, or feel you need a restart, today is the perfect time to take action.

 ?? ?? February is for doers
February is for doers

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