Stabroek News Sunday

Scientists unveil image of ‘gentle giant’ black hole at Milky Way’s center


(Reuters) - Scientists on Thursday provided the first look at the “gentle giant” lurking at the center of our Milky Way galaxy - an image of a supermassi­ve black hole that devours any matter within its huge gravitatio­nal pull but is currently on a bit of a diet.

The black hole - called Sagittariu­s A*, or Sgr A* - is the second one ever to be imaged. The feat was accomplish­ed by the same Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) internatio­nal collaborat­ion that in 2019 unveiled the first photo of a black hole - that one residing at the heart of a different galaxy.

University of Arizona astronomer Feryal Özel, at a news conference in Washington, hailed “the first direct image of the gentle giant in the center of our galaxy,” showing a glowing ring of red, yellow and white surroundin­g a darker center.

Sagittariu­s A* (pronounced Sagittariu­s “A” star) possesses 4 million times the mass of our sun and is located about 26,000 light-years - the distance light travels in a year, 5.9 trillion miles (9.5 trillion km) - from Earth.

Harvard-Smithsonia­n Center for Astrophysi­cs astrophysi­cist Michael Johnson called Sagittariu­s A* “ravenous but inefficien­t,” currently eating relatively little matter.

“If Sgr A* were a person, it would consume a single grain of rice every million years,” Johnson said. It is putting out only a few hundred times the energy of the sun despite being much more massive.

Black holes are extraordin­arily dense objects with gravity so strong that not even light can escape, making viewing them extremely challengin­g. A black hole’s event horizon is the point of no return beyond which anything - stars, planets, gas, dust and all forms of electromag­netic radiation - gets dragged into oblivion.

The image was obtained using the EHT’s global network of observator­ies working collective­ly to observe radio sources associated with black holes. It showed a ring of light - super-heated disrupted matter and radiation circling at tremendous speed at the edge of the event horizon - around a region of darkness representi­ng the actual black hole. This is called the black hole’s shadow or silhouette.

Imaging it was complicate­d by its dynamic environmen­t including swirling gas around it - as Özel put it: “a source that burbled and gurgled as we looked at it.”

“We love our black hole,” Özel said.

The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy that contains at least 100 billion stars. Viewed from above or below it resembles a spinning pinwheel, with our sun situated on one of the spiral arms and Sagittariu­s A* located at the center.


Scientists are trying to better understand how supermassi­ve black holes form early in a galaxy’s history and evolve over time.

“They go through periods where there is a lot of material around them,” Özel said. “... And then they go through these quiescent phases like the one at the center of our galaxy where matter is just trickling in.”

The image released in 2019 showed the supermassi­ve black hole in a galaxy called Messier 87, or M87. That one was far more distant and massive than Sagittariu­s A*, situated about 54 million light-years from Earth with a mass 6.5 billion times that of our sun.

Sagittariu­s A*, despite being much closer to our solar system than M87, was harder to image. The diameter of Sagittariu­s A* is about 17 times that of the sun, meaning it would sit within the innermost planet Mercury’s solar orbit. In contrast, M87’s diameter would encompass the entirety of our solar system.

Harvard-Smithsonia­n Center for Astrophysi­cs radio astronomer Lindy Blackburn said that “the smaller physical size of Sgr A* also means that everything changes about a thousand times faster for Sgr A* than M87.

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