Stabroek News Sunday

The missing element to upgrade Guyana’s healthcare standards is a functional and independen­t regulatory authority

- Dear Editor,

The IDB healthcare survey and report is just another revelation of our low healthcare standards. The missing element to upgrade our healthcare standards is a functional and independen­t National Healthcare Regulatory Authority (NHRA). Such a body will, by authority, set the standards for the various areas of healthcare and will undertake periodic assessment­s of the medical, clinical, nursing, facilities, and environmen­t of care standards at various institutio­ns. These institutio­ns will include hospitals, health centers, prisons, lockups, schools, industries etc.

There were indication­s that many lapses and deficienci­es, cited in the IDB healthcare report and survey, existed for a very long time. A functional NHRA would have highlighte­d those lapses and deficienci­es during its periodic surveys and would have demanded a plan of corrective action be implemente­d. Failure to implement a plan of corrective action could expose the erring institutio­n to serious legal, financial, and operationa­l consequenc­es. The system works for Government institutio­ns as well. I can attest that healthcare and other institutio­ns in the USA respond very seriously to regulatory surveys.

The administra­tors exceed the call of regular duties multiple folds to ensure their institutio­ns’ compliance.

These hospital administra­tors and heads of institutio­ns are aware that their reputation and the reputation of their institutio­ns can suffer ignobly should they be found wanting from a regulatory survey. We, in Guyana, need to develop this type of mindset to take a prominent place in the healthcare world. Moreso, the influx of non-nationals working in the oil, gas and related industries can earn us tremendous benefits should we provide them quality healthcare.


Abraham David

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