Stabroek News Sunday

Stabroek News should follow its own advice

- Dear Editor,

I refer to your publicatio­n dated 5th August 2022, and editorial, titled ‘Shaking hands’. First let me state right off that a human being has the right to shake or refuse to shake the hand of any other human being. Furthermor­e, it has nothing to do with being mature or otherwise. Moving on, a handshake between ordinary citizens is about friendship, politeness, good manners and agreements. Now a handshake between public figures especially between those in politics is all the aforementi­oned at full volume, for want of a better word, with an audience. Make no mistake, the president knows this and the image it portrays after all it is alleged, his party is represente­d by a very expensive PR company.

I quote you as saying “the opposition leader alluded to...his critics would understand why if they went into the villages and saw what the regime was doing. Actually they wouldn’t.” I don’t believe you nor do I have the authority to speak for anyone but ourselves so I was shocked at the arrogance in you believing that you could. Added to that in continuing, soaked in that arrogance, I quote “opposition leader; you do not shake the hand...without fear of contradict­ion.’ He should fear contradict­ion”. Again you are not privy to a person’s thoughts. In concluding you yourself should have followed your own advice when you mentioned early in the editorial, “President Ali would have been well advised to leave the issue...” Sincerely,

Mark Goodridge

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