CDC spearheading response to wildfires
The Civil Defence Commission (CDC) yesterday spearheaded a multi-agency response to the recent wildfires countrywide, as directed by
Prime Minister Mark Phillips.
A CDC release said that the initiative comes on the heels of reports from various parts of Guyana over the past weeks indicating a surge in brush fires, wildfires and forest fires due to the current dry season. Lethem in Region Nine has recently reported such fires.
Members of the meeting included representatives from the Guyana Fire Service (GFS), Guyana Police Force (GPF),
Guyana Defence Force (GDF), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Guyana Water Inc. (GWI), Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA), National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI), Protected Areas Commission (PAC), Ministry of Health, Ministry of Housing and Water, and the Forestry Commission. Significant contributions were made which resulted in several decisions for an efficient response, the CDC said.
Loggers in the Kwakwani/Hururu/Bisarun i areas will be asked to use their skidders to create fire breaks to combat spreading forest fires. This mission will be led by the Forestry Commission, with CDC and Ministry of Natural Resources providing critical support.
Improvised firefighting equipment such as trucks, tractors, and trailers equipped with hoses and pumps, will be deployed in all areas that will engage auxiliary fire fighters from Community Policing Groups (CPGs). The CDC will provide the necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to maintain responders’ safety.
Additionally, heightened surveillance using drones, satellite data, local aircraft, CPGs, GPF and Rangers will be activated. Enforcement for residents who deliberately set fires to garbage piles and other debris will be ramped up in at-risk areas. Dumpsites, construction hubs and roadways will also be monitored, the release said. Water sources across the country will be closely supervised to ensure that there is an adequate supply available for firefighting measures. A robust and joint public education and awareness campaign is underway to inform residents of what they can do to aid the fight against these fires. This particular effort will see information emanating from CDC, GFS, EPA, NAREI and GLDA.
Mobilization of resources will be an ongoing process as the Government of Guyana aims to minimize vulnerabilities while the dry spell continues. Persons are asked to contact 912 in the event of a fire emergency, their local RDC or NDC representative, Toshao or village head, or the National Emergency Monitoring System (NEMS) on 600-7500 at any time.
In a separate statement yesterday, the GFS urged citizens to exercise extreme caution and take the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of fires.
“Please refrain from any activities that could potentially spark fires, such as deliberately setting grass or garbage on fire, discarding cigarettes, or using equipment that generates heat or sparks in dry vegetation areas”, the Guyana Fire Service (GFS) pleaded.
Anyone noticing signs of smoke or fire should report it immediately to the Fire Service via 912, the Neighbourhood Democratic Council, Regional Democratic Council, Toshaos or Village Leaders.
“Additionally, ensure that your property is adequately prepared for fire prevention by clearing away dry vegetation, maintaining defensible space, and having fire extinguishing tools readily available.
Let’s all work together to keep our communities safe from the threat of fires”, the statement added.
On Thursday at approximately 10:54 a.m., the Fire Service received reports of a grass fire at University of Guyana Road, Turkeyen. Firefighters were dispatched to the scene, and their prompt response has been crucial in containing the blaze, the GFS said.
Water tender #85, under the command of Section Leader King from Headquarters, and Land Rover #7, under the command of Section Leader Sparman from West Ruimveldt Fire Station, along with water tender #105 and twenty-two firefighters, arrived at the location by 11:20 a.m., ready to tackle the blaze. The fire had threatened three buildings in the vicinity. However, firefighting efforts managed to contain the blaze.