Stabroek News Sunday

Kanye and Summer’s estate reach copyright settlement


(BBC) Kanye West and the estate of Donna Summer have reached a settlement over a copyright dispute.

In February, Summer’s husband Bruce Sudano sued the rapper, now known as Ye, for allegedly using an uncleared sample of her 1977 hit I Feel Love on his Vultures 1 album.

Summer’s estate claimed West had gone ahead with using the sample despite them previously declining his request.

West did not comment on the case when asked by the BBC at the time, and has not publicly commented on the settlement.

A lawyer for Summer’s estate claimed earlier this year that an entity called Alien Music, representi­ng West, approached him on 31 January, a week before the release of the rapper’s album, to request clearance to sample the disco hit.

The lawsuit claimed that West had “shamelessl­y used instantly recognisab­le portions” of the song, despite their request to use it being “explicitly denied”.

Summer’s lawyers said the estate wanted “no associatio­n with West’s controvers­ial history and specifical­ly rejected West’s proposed use”.

“In the face of this rejection, defendants arrogantly and unilateral­ly decided they would simply steal I Feel Love and use it without permission,” they added.

West has become a controvers­ial figure in recent years - comments he has made have been heavily criticised as far right or anti-semitic.

The lawsuit, filed against the 46-year-old rapper, his record label and collaborat­or Ty Dolla $ign, asked for damages and an injunction to block further distributi­on of the song.

On Thursday both parties confirmed they had entered into a settlement agreement and they would each pay their own legal bills.

Lead counsel for the Summer estate, Larry Stein, told Billboard that West has “agreed not to distribute or otherwise use the song, so we got what we wanted”.

Other terms in the settlement have not been made public.

The song was removed from streaming services when it was first released in February and will remain unavailabl­e on official streaming platforms.

Summer, who died of lung cancer in 2012, is best known for hits including Love to Love You Baby and Hot Stuff.

Learning can be fun: These children from the STEMGuyana Mainstay Learning Pod have fun as they learn during a recent robotic session (STEMGuyana photo)

 ?? ?? Some of the rapper’s requests to sample music have been denied by other artists including Ozzy Osbourne
Some of the rapper’s requests to sample music have been denied by other artists including Ozzy Osbourne
 ?? ?? Donna Summer died of lung cancer in 2012
Donna Summer died of lung cancer in 2012
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