Stabroek News

Tennis coach charged over hitting of aunt with car


A tennis coach appeared before the chief magistrate yesterday charged with hitting her aunt with her car.

Shelly Daly-Ramdyhan, 43, of Hadfield Street Lodge, was not required to plead to the charge which stated that on February 3 at Georgetown, she allegedly drove her vehicle, PLL 1356, in the path of Elaine Daly which caused her bodily harm. The charge was read to DalyRamdyh­an by Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan.

According to DalyRamdyh­an’s attorney, his client is a tennis coach and a mother to three children. He also mentioned in court that the virtual complainan­t is the big sister of the defendant’s father and they both reside in the same yard but in different houses.

According to the lawyer, on the day in question, his client was returning home in her vehicle when she met the virtual complainan­t on the bridge blocking her path.

The attorney said his client asked Daly to move and she did, but as she was driving into the compound, the rearview mirror of the car allegedly hit the virtual complainan­t. He further explained that after the incident occurred Daly threw an umbrella at his client’s face.

The lawyer made an applicatio­n for bail, which Police Prosecutor Deniro Jones had no objections to and it was set in the sum of $15,000 bail by the chief magistrate. The matter was adjourned until August 15, and transferre­d to Court 6.

 ?? Shelly Daly-Ramdyhan ??
Shelly Daly-Ramdyhan

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