Stabroek News

Unrealisti­c expectatio­ns of witness protection

- Or killed. However, in 2007, when some fourteen states in the USA had witness protection programmes, one commentato­r claimed that witness protection at these local levels is a misnomer, that the programmes don’t protect anyone and people die. Nonetheles­s,

The government intends to enact witness protection legislatio­n and has suggested that a discourse take place around this issue so I thought it useful to give an insight into how these schemes operate. I was also drawn to the topic because of a statement by the Minister of Public Security, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan. He has claimed that the law is necessary to give comfort to persons who are now ‘scared to death’ to testify in some of the cases thrown-up by the many forensic audits the government commission­ed but the results from which have fallen far below public expectatio­ns (Gov’t schedules consultati­on on witness protection bill SN 23/09/2016).

The little I know of witness protection programmes suggests to me that they are mainly the alternativ­e to prison, etc. for criminals who are willing to inform on their former colleagues and are usually very demanding of those who enter them. Thus the minister is either using the occasion of the introducti­on of the law to excuse the government’s incapacity to extract what the public expected from the forensic audits or he is unwittingl­y setting himself up to be very disappoint­ed.

The United States of America has arguably the oldest and most successful national witness protection scheme which, since its establishm­ent in 1971, has protected some 18,400 witnesses and is a good place to start a considerat­ion of the subject. Gerald Shur, who is credited with establishi­ng the scheme, claims that 95% of the people who have gone into witness protection are dangerous criminals who have made a plea bargain arrangemen­t. For example, Shur’s Inside the Federal Witness Protection Program recounts the story of one inspector who had to resettle a former motorcycle gang member who had murdered a woman and then ‘cut her open and put charcoal inside her to use as a grill’.

The genesis of the US witness protection scheme can be traced to the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871. But the phenomenal growth of organised crime and gang violence in 1960s/1970s America made it imperative that some means be found to encourage people to testify against crime families, and the modern witness security programme (WITSEC) was born. Shur tells an insightful story of trying to get a witness who was the owner of a New York trucking company to testify against crime boss Johnny “Sonny” Franzese in 1961.

Franzese had demanded half the profits from the trucking business and his men had vandalized the trucks and beaten the owner with baseball bats until he agreed to their terms. The owner of the company appealed to the Justice Department for help and when Shur suggested that he had to testify in court, the owner was not amused! Franzese was caught on tape discussing the best way to commit murder: he would cover his fingertips with nail polish, wear a hairnet, and dismember the body so that he could run it through the garbage disposal! Having failed to gain the cooperatio­n of the owner, Shur mused aloud that there had to be a way to get witnesses to testify against the mob and one of the agents asked ‘Would you?’

National, regional and local witness protection programmes are now to be found in dozens of countries. In the best of these, witnesses are typically provided with authentic new identities, housing and basic living and medical expenses. Job training, employment assistance and 24 hour protection may also be provided. WITSEC prides itself on the fact that no witness who has followed its programme guidelines has ever been harmed

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