Stabroek News

The leadership of the AFC must ensure that the party does not die


Dear Editor, Budget 2017 will result in retarded economic growth and the social decline of our nation. The measures taken to rake in revenue are bad for the poor, while the wealthy will try to cut jobs and pass down the tax burden to the common man. The coalition should take note that the people of Guyana are very unhappy with this budget and that this can cause the electoral defeat of the APNU+AFC in the future.

A call is made also to the leadership of the Alliance for Change to step up and ensure that the AFC does not die. Thousands of members and supporters are losing faith owing to the lack of press conference­s, press releases, bottom house meetings, etc, and this is threatenin­g the survival of the party. Take, for example, the attack on the Deputy Mayor of Georgetown Sherod Duncan, which should of be met with a strongly worded response from the AFC, because Mr Duncan deserves to be treated with the same level of respect as the others at the Georgetown M&CC.

It is a disgrace to put some people demonstrat­ing with placards supporting the installati­on of parking meters when there has been no consultati­on and negotiatio­n with the Georgetown councillor­s and the people of Guyana. Georgetown is the heart of our country, and any decisions made in respect of it will ultimately affect everyone. The President even came out and spoke in support of a review of this contract, yet high handedness and ignorance seem to be the order of the day.

The leadership of the AFC must take note that its supporters and members expect a proactive coalition partner that will protect and promote the rights of all. Ever since coming into power the visibility of the AFC has diminished, and this does not bode well for the continued survival of this party which thousands of Guyanese see as an alternativ­e to the two giants. A call is made to the leader of the party, Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan, and others to please ensure that the AFC does not die because of intellectu­al fatigue and complacenc­y.

The leadership of the APNU+AFC must hold consultati­ons on the national budget and see how angry members of the public are, and take the necessary steps to correct the deficienci­es. The heavy taxation will kill the very little income already received by the poor and working class Guyanese who are hoping for a good life under this administra­tion.

Yours faithfully, Andre Fortune

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