Stabroek News

Man shot and robbed in Sophia


A man was shot and robbed in ‘B’ Field, Sophia yesterday afternoon while visiting a mechanic and is currently at the Georgetown Public Hospital.

The injured man is Gavin Ramlall, 23, of Pigeon Island, East Coast Demerara.

The man’s mother Shoma Ramlall told Stabroek News that her son and another worker went to the mechanic to drop off a part to repair their excavator. The distraught mother said while he was waiting in the pickup tray two unmasked men pounced on him after exiting a goldcolour­ed motor car and demanded that he hand over the money.

The mother recounted that her son told the men he did not have any money but they ran through his pocket and took his cellular phone and $10,000 cash. She also explained that the men took the vehicle key and attempted to enter but were not successful. However, the bandit broke the car window and entered the vehicle but after failing to find anything valuable they exited.

The mother said it was at this point they shot her son in his right leg.

Police were immediatel­y summoned to the scene and they dusted for fingerprin­ts and took a statement. The mother added that when her son recited the vehicle registrati­on number, investigat­ors pointed out that it was fake.

Investigat­ions are continuing. inside.

Efforts by first responders were fruitless and the Guyana Fire Service was called in. The firemen freed him and he was rushed immediatel­y to the hospital.

He suffered injuries to his head, a broken ankle, broken ribs, a punctured lung and other internal wounds.

 ??  ?? Gavin Ramlall
Gavin Ramlall

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