Stabroek News

Obama points finger at Putin for hacks during U.S. election


WASHINGTON, (Reuters) - President Barack Obama yesterday strongly suggested that Russian President Vladimir Putin personally authorized the computer hacks of Democratic Party emails that American intelligen­ce officials say were aimed at helping Republican Donald Trump win the Nov. 8 election.

But with only a month left in office, during a somber press conference before leaving for a family holiday in Hawaii, Obama spoke despairing­ly about the “nasty” state of U.S. politics, saying the chasm between Democrats and Republican­s has made it possible for Russia to cause mischief.

Obama said he has “great confidence” in intelligen­ce reports he has seen showing that Russians hacked into emails belonging to the Democratic National Committee and to John Podesta, who was campaign chairman for Democratic presidenti­al candidate Hillary Clinton.

The leaked emails revealed details of paid speeches Clinton gave to Wall Street, party infighting and comments from top aides to Clinton who were shocked about the extent of her use of a private server to send emails while secretary of state.

The leaks led to embarrassi­ng media coverage and prompted some party officials to resign. Obama, who campaigned vigorously for Clinton, said she was treated unfairly and found the media coverage of her troubling.

“This happened at the highest levels of the Russian government,” Obama said when asked whether Putin was personally involved in the hacks. He added that “not much happens in Russia without Vladimir Putin.”

Obama said he warned Putin in September to stop meddling in American political campaigns, telling his Russian counterpar­t to “cut it out” during a faceto-face encounter in China at a Group of 20 meeting. Obama said he did not believe that U.S. electronic voting systems were tampered with.

Obama, however, stopped short of directly blaming Putin and said he also wanted to give U.S. intelligen­ce officials more time to produce a report that is due before he leaves office on Jan. 20 and Trump is sworn in as his successor.

Obama called Russia a smaller and weaker country than the United States that “does not produce anything that others want to buy, except oil and gas and arms.”

The comments underscore­d what Obama called the “sadly deteriorat­ed” relationsh­ip between Washington and Moscow, which are also at odds over Russia’s role in Syria’s civil war and its aggressive actions in Ukraine.

 ??  ?? Barack Obama
Barack Obama
 ??  ?? Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin

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